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Kathy Salkin <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 09:53:08 -0400
text/plain (43 lines)
A list of links with information about CP.  If you need any clarification
about information on a particular site, I suggest you email the site's author
or its webmaster.



OFCP (Ontario Foundation for CP):

Bobath Centre (for CP):

All of these can, and do, give you general information on CP, and how the
diagnois is made.

A few caveats:

1) These are starting points.  You need to be talking to your child's doctor
as well as reading up as much as you can.

2) CP is NOT a disease, it's a condition resulting from injury to the part of
the brain that controls muscles.  CP in itself doesn't get worse but it can
affect the aging process (as we older CPs on this list know all too well).

3) The affects of CP are very individualistic;  no two CPs are affected
exactly the same way.  Yes, there are general types that you will learn of,
and many CPs have multiple disabilities, but it can affect two persons in
completely different ways.

4) CP seems to be getting diagnosed later these days; it used to be that it
was diagnosed at the time of birth or very early in childhood.  This is
likekly the result of more advanced neurological diagnostic tools such as

Keep on asking questions if need be.  I'll try to answer as much as I can with
my work and time restraints.
