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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 20:18:41 +0900
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Evelyn McWilliams wrote:
> Thanks for those words of advice and encouragement.
> I crave fruit the same way I seem to crave sugar (the sugar fix can get so
> out-of-control that I feel like a junkie at times). So your hypoglycemia
> theory makes sense.

I love fruit too. I overeat fruit often. It is about the
only carb in my diet.
> But fruit also has another vital function in my diet; and that is to combat
> IBS (constipation/bloating) - which seems to be exacerbated after eating
> meats.
> Does anyone else experience IBS problems after adding meat to their diet?

Absolutely the opposite! I had regular digestive troubles
for years, including constipation, but it all cleared up in
just a few days when I started paleo. Really. Just three
days after starting I was fine and have hardly had a days
trouble in the year since. It was like a miracle. My wife
tolerates my new diet mainly because I stopped f__ting, I
had so much bad gas, from my wonderful home made whole wheat
bread. That was the core of my diet, and "should" have been
great for the colon, all that wheat fiber. Ha!

Constipation and bloating are far more likely to be caused
by yeast overgrowth in the gut. This is usually from years
of high carb, simple sugar eating, and also by antibiotics,
which kill off the normal bacteria but leave the yeast. Stop
eating sugar, carbs, for a week, and your bloating may just
evaporate. No more constipation, no more gas. It worked for me.

By the way, in your previous post you mentioned feeling very
poorly a few days after starting paleo. This may be from
yeast die-off. When you cut carbs, the little devils starve,
and the resulting rotten stuff can have that effect for a
few days. Hold tough, go as low carb as you can stand, and
see what the effect is.

> And does anyone give credence to the theory that cooked meats are toxic to
> the colon?

No. Meats are our natural food, and the bulk of the human
diet for at least the last 100,000 years. This was almost
certainly cooked meat, cooking hearths are common in
archeological sites. Certain meat preservatives, as in
sausage, bacon, and the like are not so good for you, but
cooked meat alone is fine.

I think you might want to try increasing the fat, and
cutting out fruits for a week or two, just as a test. Get
your vitamins from low starch veggies instead. If you are
coming off a vegetarian diet, just to ease yourself into the
whole meat eating scene, fill up on nuts when you are
snacking. Might be emotionally easier to take. Lots of
vegetarians I have met really have meat hangups, from the
propaganda. Increase meat and meat fat gradually, to allow
your mind and body time to adapt.

Good luck.