Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Jan 2004 14:28:26 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
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(Me placerea multo si un lusophono providerea un
version portugese de iste historia del Brasil, sia
como io lo presenta hic, sia corregite, sia corregite
e augmentate.)


Le difficile regno de Pedro I:

Le prime annos del independentia del Brasil esseva
difficile.  Le familia de Pedro I habeva negligite
su education, e ben que ille esseva un administrator
energic, ille non sapeva calcular multo ben balancias
in equationes politic e governava de un maniera
impulsive, que inspirava multe resistentia inter
le brasilianos.

Durante su regno le Brasil gereva un disastrose
guerra contra Argentina e perdeva su provincia
Cisplatina (posteriormente Uruguay) in 1825.  Post
un rebellion del armea que deteriorava in un disordine
generalisate, Pedro I abdicava in 1831, retornava
a Portugal, e su filio de cinque annos, Pedro II,
deveniva le secunde imperator del Brasil post un
periodo de regentia.

Stabilitate politic sub Pedro II:

Le secunde imperio brasilian durava quasi 50 annos
e compliva multo.  Primo Pedro II esseva multo
instruite in historia, scientia, e linguas.  Su
proprie education inspirava in ille un grande
preoccupation pro le instruction inter le brasilianos.

Ille anque habeva un temperamento multo calme e
rational e esseva in general un homine bonissime.

Post un breve apprentissage, ille apprendeva como
alternar inter le duo sectores conservator e liberal
que competeva pro controlar le pais (su poter
esseva dissolver le governamento e alternar inter
illos).  Durante su imperio, ille cambiava le
governamento dece-un vices, e ille sapeva exactemente
quando il esserea judiciose cambiar lo pro assecurar
le stabilitate general del pais.

In le prime annos de su imperio Pedro II debeva
confrontar le rebelliones que continuava desde le
regentia, exacerbate per le electiones fraudulente
de 1840 que dava le poter politic del pais al

Su governamento anque appoiava Uruguay e le Argentina
in un guerra contra Paraguay (1865-1870).  Le fortias
brasilian eventualmente triumphava in le guerra
ma a un costo economic multo elevate.  Iste guerra
anque creava un establimento militar que deveniva
un nove nexo de fortia cuje potentia Pedro II sempre
debeva includer in su calculationes politic.

Ille anque manteneva bon relationes con le Statos
Unite e Europa, reinfortiate per viages que ille
faceva al duo regiones.


The difficult reign of Pedro I:

The first years of Brazilian independence were
difficult.  The family of Pedro I had neglected
his education; and though he was an energetic
administrator, he did not know how to calculate
balances in political equations very well and governed
impulsively, inspiring a great deal of resistance
among Brazilians.

During his reign, Brazil conducted a disastrous
war against Argentina and lost its province of
Cisplatina (later to become Uruguay) in 1825.  After
an army rebellion that decayed into widespread
disorder, Pedro I abdicated in 1831, returned to
Portugal, and his five-year-old son, Pedro II, became
the second emperor of Brazil after a period of

Political Stability under Pedro II:

The second Brazilian empire lasted almost fifty
years and accomplished a great deal.  First Pedro
II was highly educated in history, science, and
languages.  His own education inspired in him great
concern for education among Brazilians in general.
He also had a very calm and rational temperament
and was in general a very good man.

After a brief apprenticeship, he learned how to
alternate between the two liberal and conservative
sectors that competed to control the country (his
principal power was to dissolve the government and
put the opposing sector into power).  During his
reign, he changed the government eleven times, and
he knew exactly when the time was right to change
governments to assure general stability in his

In the first years of his reign, Pedro II had to
confront the rebellions that he inherited from the
regency, made worse by fraudulent elections in 1840
that gave political control over the country to
the conservatives.

His government also supported Uruguay and Argentina
in a war against Paraguay (1865-1870).  Brazilian
forces eventually triumphed in the war but at a
very high economic cost.  This war created a military
establishment that became a new nexus of power whose
strength Pedro II had to include in his political

He also maintained good relations with the United
States and Europe, reinforced by voyages that he
made to both places.


Como promover usar le Rete e su ressources
bibliographic public pro incoragiar le uso expandite
de interlingua:

Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
<> es un
ressource bibliographic public como "Interlingua
in interlingua" <>
e le textos in interlingua de Wikipedia.

Imitante le philosophia de Wikipedia sur le uso
de ressources bibliographic public, vos pote rediger
iste textos como vos vole, forsan combinante los
con altere simile ressources, pro publication
ubicunque in le Rete.

Un maniera excellente de apprender interlingua
vermente ben es compilar vostre proprie anthologia ex
su ressources public, scriber vostre proprie
presentation del grammatica de interlingua, e publicar
vostre effortios in le Rete pro le uso de alteres.


Si vos es un studente del anglese, io spera que
le textos in interlingua e anglese que io presenta
in iste sito vos adjuvara in vostre studios.  Vos
anque pote adjuvar studentes de vostre lingua native
si vos presenta simile textos bilingue in iste sito.

Vos anque ha le possibilitate de imprimer textos in un
tertie lingua, preparar un version de illos in
interlingua, e finalmente preparar un version de illos
in vostre lingua native.

Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
de interlingua como lingua ponte e presentara
ressources multo utile pro studentes del prime lingua
de tal textos trilingue e de vostre lingua native.


Ecce duo sitos importante pro studentes de linguas e
del linguistica:

preoccupation principal es trovar lo que es utile pro
le instruction de linguas nove in le linguistica
theoretic e incoragiar le uso de iste information pro
formar manieras plus efficicace de inseniar linguas.
Le sede electronic de iste organisation es

professional pro linguistas academic american.  Lor
sede electronic es <>.

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