Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Jan 2004 15:54:40 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
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Documents from the U.S. government that were secret
because of raisons d'état and that are now publicly
available because of a Freedom-of-Information-Act
request reveal how our federal government during the
administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush
actively supported Saddam Hussein despite his constant
use of chemical arms.

This evidence strongly shows the hypocrisy
by Bush II as he manipulated our population through
our mass media controlled by the wealthy corporations
that our federal government works for.

These documents, made publicly available because
of efforts of the National Security Archive, reveal
that the United States, working with American
corporations like Bechtel, secretly and cynically
allied itself with Saddam Hussein's government.

If a trial were to be started against Hussein in
a neutral world court, these documents would clearly
reveal that our foreign policy had approved of actions
by Hussein that we would call terroristic if done
by our adversaries.

Our Secretary of "Defense," Donald Rumsfeld, and
George Schultz, formerly our secretary of state,
told Hussein and his representatives that our
rhetorical condemnation of chemical arms would not
cause problems in our relationship with Iraq, the
country Reagan used to fight an American proxy war
against Iran.

Schultz emphatically stated to representatives of
Iraq that our speeches against the use of chemical
weapons were only a device used by the Republicans
to bullshit the American public to get more votes
in our federal elections.

In a stenographic transcript of a secret meeting
with the Iraqis, Lawrence S. Eagleburger also said
to one of Saddam's representatives that "[o]ur desire
and our actions to prevent an Iranian victory and
to continue the progress of our bilateral relations
remain undiminished."

In the first of this series of meetings, Rumsfeld
said to Hussein that the United States would help
in the construction of an oil pipeline from Iraq
to Aqaba, Jordan.  He did not mention chemical
though American intelligence agencies a few months
previously had confirmed that Iraq was using such
illegal arms against the Iranians and the Kurds.

Before joining Reagan's staff, Schultz had been
a member of the board of Directors of the Bechtel
Corporation, which had the contract to build this
oil pipeline.  Because of this circumstance,
Eagleburger explained that Schultz, despite being
our secretary of state, would have to work secretly
to promote this project to hide from the public
that he was simultaneously working to promote the
interests of Bechtel.

This information establishes conclusively that Bush's
defense of our invasion of Iraq through his insistence
that Hussein was just like Hitler because he used
poison gas to kill off his own population was nothing
more than a cynically hypocritical ploy because
we knew exactly what Hussein was doing and our
government didn't give a shit about it then because
he was OUR son of a bitch.

If you want to find out more about all this, check
out <>.

(Adapted from an article by Robert Scheer published
in the "Los Angeles Times," December 30, 2003, page


Documentos del governamento statounitese que esseva
secrete a causa de raisons d'état le quales nunc es
publicamente disponibile a causa del application del
"Freedom of Information Act" revela como nostre
governamento federal durante le administrationes de
Ronald Reagan e George H. W. Bush activemente appoiava
Saddam Hussein in despecto de su uso constante de
armas chimic.

Iste documentos, liberate a causa de effortios del
National Security Archive, revela que le Statos
Unite, travaliante con corporationes american como
Bechtel, secrete- e cynicamente se alliava con le
régime de Saddam Hussein.

Iste evidentia revela fortemente le hypocrisia con
le qual Bush II essaya manipular nostre population
trans nostre medios de communication massive
per nostre corporationes ric pro le quales nostre
governamento travalia.

Si on comenciava un processo legal contra Hussein
per un corte mundial neutral, iste documentos
clarmente que nostre politica exterior habeva
actiones per Hussein que nos nominarea terroriste
si nostre adversarios los habeva facite.

Nostre ministro de "defensa", Donald Rumsfeld e
George Schultz, un ancian secretario de affaires
externe nostre, diceva a Hussein e su representantes
que nostre condemnation rhetoric de armas chimic
non causarea problemas con nostre relationes con
Iraq, le pais que Reagan usava pro luctar contra
Iraq quando nos non voleva facer isto con nostre
proprie fortias armate.

Schultz diceva emphaticamente a representantes de
Iraq que nostre discursos contra le uso de armas
chimic esseva solmente un maniera deceptive usate
pro le republicanos pro ganiar le appoio del major
parte de nostre electorato in nostre electiones

In un transcripto stenographic de un reunion secrete
con le iraqis, Lawrence S. Eagleburger anque diceva
a un emissario de Saddam Hussein que "[n]ostre desiro
e nostre actiones pro prevenir un victoria iranian
e pro continuar le progresso de nostre relationes
bilateral remane forte".

In le prime de iste serie de reuniones, Rumsfeld
diceva a Hussein que le Statos Unite adjuvarea in
le construction de un oleoducto desde Iraq a Aqaba,
Jordania.  Ille non mentionava armas chimic, ben
que agentias de intelligentia american ante unes
menses habeva confirmate que Iraq usava (stava a
usar) tal armas illegal contra le iranios e le kurdos.

Ante comenciar su travalios pro Reagan, Schultz
habeva essite un director del Bechtel Corporation,
que habeva le contracto pro construer iste oleoducto.
A causa de iste circumstantia, Eagleburger explicava
que Schultz, como nostre ministro de affaires externe,
solmente poteva travaliar secretemente pro promover
iste projecto pro occultar del publico american
que ille simultaneemente travaliava pro promover
le interesses de Bechtel.

Iste information establi conclusivemente que le
defensa de Bush de nostre invasion de Iraq con le
insistentia que Hussein esseva le equivalente de
Hitler proque ille habeva occidite su proprie
population con gas venenose esseva cynicamente
hypocritic proque nos sapeva lo que Hussein faceva
e que su actiones non nos preoccupava proque in
ille epocha ille esseva NOStre filio de puta.

Pro informationes ulterior, vos pote consultar <>.

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