Vehiculos sin guidator (Parte 2):
Vehiculos sin guidator se trova anque in altere
paises, notabilemente le systema VAL in Francia
e le "skytrain" in Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada. VAL (Vehiculo Automatic Legier) designate
per le firma Matra, es in operation in Lille, ubi
le prime linea era finite in 1983 e ha un longor
de 13.3 km.
Le vehiculos, que es montate sur rotas a bandas
de cauchu, curre accopulate in duos e ha sedes
pro 68 passageros. Proque tal rotas non pote guidar
le vehiculo, illo viagia in un canal de beton.
In plus al rotas vertical, le vehiculos ha rotas
horizontal que es guidate per un specie de rail
in le muro vertical del canal. In despecto de su
complicationes, le systema VAL es popular. On
un secunde linea in Lille e plana nove retes in
Toulouse e Strasbourg.
In Vancouver, le "Skytrain", que opera per tunneles
in le centro del citate ma sur viaductos in le
suburbios, ha un longor de 21 km. Su construction
era finite in 1986 a un costo de 854 milliones de
dollares canadian. Illo es dissimilar al VAL
nam su trainos es plus grande e ha rotas normal
que curre sur rails ordinari de aciero. Lo que
es novelle es su methodo de traction.
Look, Ma, No Driver (Part 2):
Driverless vehicles are also found in other countries,
notably the VAL system in France and the "skytrain"
in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The VAL
(a French acronym for automatic light-rail vehicle)
designed by the firm Matra, is in operation in Lille,
where the first line was finished in 1983 and is
8.25 miles long.
Its vehicles, which are mounted on top of wheels
with rubber tires, run in coupled groups of two
and have seats for sixty-eight passengers. Since
wheels like these cannot steer the vehicle, it travels
in a concrete channel.
Besides their vertical wheels, these vehicles have
horizontal wheels guided by a type of rail in the
vertical wall of the canal. Despite its
the VAL system is popular. A second line is being
built in Lille, and new lines are being planned
in Toulouse and Strasbourg.
In Vancouver, the "skytrain," which operates through
tunnels in the center of the city but on viaducts
in the suburbs, is thirteen miles long. Its
construction was finished in 1986 at a cost of $854.00
Canadian. It is unlike the French VAL since its
trains are larger and have normal wheels running
on ordinary steel rails. What is new is its method
of propulsion.
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Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
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Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
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Ecce duo sitos importante pro studentes de linguas e
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preoccupation principal es trovar lo que es utile pro
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theoretic e incoragiar le uso de iste information pro
formar manieras plus efficicace de inseniar linguas.
Le sede electronic de iste organisation es
professional pro linguistas academic american. Lor
sede electronic es <http://www.lsadc.org>.
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