Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Dec 2003 14:14:19 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (307 lines)
SCENA 6:  Petro es al puncto de imbarcar in le avion
pro Geneva in le aeroporto de Strasbourg, ubi ille
face le cognoscentia de un certe senior Melville,
qui dice que ille es un consultante de affaires

Petro le da un discurso assatis detaliate super
su travalio.  Le senior Melville le da su carta,
dicente que, gratias a su multiple contactos inter
diverse governamentos, ille probabilemente potera
inviar alcun nove projectos a Petro.

Ille suggere finalmente que Petro invia a ille un
plano detaliate pro un projecto de ingenieria.
Petro es incantate e dice que ille inviara alque
al senior Melville multo tosto.

Le hostessa:  Le passageros qui ha un carta de
imbarcation verde habera le prime prioritate pro
imbarcar.  Per favor, da al passageros con un carta
de embarcation verde le prime prioritate pro imbarcar
al avion.

Melville:  Mi carta es verde.

Petro:  E anque le mie.  Il pare que nos ha solmente
alcun trenta minutas pro attender.

Melville:  Si.  Vos vive in Geneva, o vos vade
como un tourista?

Petro:  Io va travaliar la.

Melville:  Ah, si.  Que face vos?

Petro:  Io travalia in le transporto urban.

Melville:  Vermente?

Petro:  Si.  Le trainos, le autobuses, etc.

Melville:  Permitte me introducer me.  Mi nomine
es John Melville.

Petro:  Petro Minelli.  Multo felice de facer vostre

Melville:  Tunc vos es ingeniero?

Petro:  Si, exactemente.  Io ha un formation technic
e commercial, le duo.

Melville:  Parla me un pauco de iste systemas de
transporto e de vostre nove compania.  Illo me

Petro:  Eh, ben.  Imagina que vos ha un citate de
alcun million de inhabitantes.  Vos ha besonio de
un medio de transporto public, subterranee
possibilemente, como le metro.  O forsan vos vole
un monorail suspendite.  O possibilemente un vehiculo
de superficie, un tramway.

Melville:  Interessante.  Continua.

Petro:  Vos veni a vider nos.  Nos vos explica le
possibilitates existente.  Nos parla a vos.  Nos
submitte a vos solutiones differente.  Nos tunc
pote construer un projecto de transporto pro vos
que vos trova le plus convenibile.

Melville:  Como?  Vos provide le material, le
le locomotives, le trainos?

Petro:  Toto.  Nos construe toto per le companias
de nostre gruppo.

Melville:  A un precio.

Petro:  A un precio multo competitive.  Io pensa
que vos vermente trovara lo que nos potera offerer
vos le plus economic de tote le possibilitates.

Melville:  Illo es multo interessante.  Multo
interessante.  Ascolta, vos ha un carta?

Petro:  Io non ha mi carta nove.

Melville:  Permitte me dar a vos le mie.  Io non
trova mi carta professional in iste momento, mais
ecce mi carta personal.  Il es possibile que io
pote diriger a vos un projecto o duo.

Petro:  Ah, si?  Que genere de travalio face vos?

Melville:  Io es un consiliero pro diverse
mais io ha contactos specialmente bon con differente
agentias governamental, e io pensa que io poterea
haber besonio de servicios simile al vostres.

Petro:  Vermente?  Illo me pare multo ben.

Melville:  Il ha alque que vos pote facer pro me.
Que nos dice que nos ha un citate de un million
de habitantes, pro exemplo.  Que nos dice que nos
ha un tal citate in le Medio Oriente.  Esque vos
pote inviar me un littera explicante me como vos
comenciarea, como vos establirea vostre horarios
e tarifas, quanto tempore esserea necesse pro le
projecto, etc.  Vos pote facer illo?

Petro:  Certemente.  Io dara a vos un idea de nostre
manieras de planificar nostre projectos e lo que
nos pote offerer a nostre clientes.

Melville:  Perfecto.

Hostessa:  In alcun minutas nos va arrivar a Geneva.
Que vos extingue vostre cigarette, per favor, e
attacha vostre cincturas.

Melville:  Multo interessante.  Multissimo

(Petro ha arrivate a Geneva.  Il pare que su travalio
nove va comenciar ben tosto.)


Petro is about to get on the plane to Geneva at
the Strasbourg airport, where he meets a certain
Mr. Melville, who says he is a (consultant in
commercial affairs) / (commercial-affairs consultant).

Petro talks to him about many of the details of
his work.  Mr. Melville gives him his card, saying
that, because of his many contacts with various
governments, he probably will be able to send some
new projects his way.

He finally suggests that Petro send him a detailed
plan for an engineering project.  Petro is very happy
about this and says he will send something to
Mr. Melville quite soon.

The hostess:  Passengers having a green boarding
pass will have the first priority for getting on
the plane.  Please give passengers with a green
boarding pass the first priority in getting on the

Melville:  My pass is green.

Petro:  So is mine.  It seems we will have only
about a thirty-minute wait.

Melville:  Yes.  Do you live in Geneva, or are you
going there only as a tourist?

Petro:  I'm gonna work there.

Melville:  Oh, (okay)/(great)/(that's nice).  What
do you do?

Petro:  I work in urban transport.

Melville:  Really?

Petro:  Yeah.  You know, trains, buses, and so forth.

Melville:  Let me introduce myself.  My name is
John Melville.

Petro:  Petro Minelli.  I'm very happy to meet you.

Melville:  So (you are) / (are you) an engineer?

Petro:  Yes, exactly.  I have both a technical and
a commercial background.

Melville:  Tell me a little about these systems
of transport and about your new company.  I find
that interesting.

Petro:  Okay.  Let's say you have a city of
about/roughly a million inhabitants.  You need a
means of public transport, perhaps underground,
like the metro.  Or perhaps/maybe you want a
suspended/hanging monorail.  Or perhaps/maybe a
surface vehicle, such as a tramway.

Melville:  Interesting.  (Go on.) / (Continue.)

Petro:  You come to see us.  We explain to you the
existing possibilities.  We talk to you.  We submit
to you different solutions.  We then can construct
the transport project for you that you find best
meets your needs.

Melville:  What?  You provide the materiel, the
machines, the locomotives, the trains?

Petro:  Everything.  We build/construct everything
through the companies (in) / (making up) our group.

Melville:  For a price, of course.

Petro:  For a very competitive price.  I think that
you will really find what we can give you the
(cheapest) / (most cost effective) of all

Melville:  That's very interesting, very interesting.
Listen, do you have a card?

Petro:  I don't have my new card.

Melville:  Let me give you mine.  I can't find my
business card right now, but here's my personal
card.  I might be able to ([throw you] / [throw
your way] a project or two) / (throw a project or
two your way).

Petro:  Oh yeah?  What type of work do you do?

Melville:  I'm a consultant for various
companies/enterprises, but I have some really good
contacts with different governmental agencies, and
I think that I may/might/could have need for services
similar to (yours) / (what you offer).

Petro:  Really?  That seems very nice.

Melville:  There is something that you can do for
me.  Let's say that we have a city of a million
inhabitants, for example.  Let's say that we have
such a city in the Middle East.  Can you send me
a letter explaining how you would start/begin, how
you would establish your rates and schedules, how
much time (you would need) / (would be necessary)
for the project, and so forth.  Can you do that?

Petro:  Certainly.  I will give you an idea of the
way we plan our projects and what we can offer our

Melville:  Perfect.

The hostess:  In a few minutes we will be arriving
in Geneva.  Please put out your cigarettes and attach
your seat belts.

Melville:  Very interesting.  Very interesting indeed.

(Petro has arrived in Geneva.  It seems that his
new job is going to start out very soon.)


Como promover usar le Rete e su ressources
bibliographic public pro incoragiar le uso expandite
de interlingua:

Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
<> es un
ressource bibliographic public como "Interlingua
in interlingua" <>
e le textos in interlingua de Wikipedia.

Imitante le philosophia de Wikipedia sur le uso
de ressources bibliographic public, vos pote rediger
iste textos como vos vole, forsan combinante los
con altere simile ressources, pro publication
ubicunque in le Rete.

Un maniera excellente de apprender interlingua
vermente ben es compilar vostre proprie anthologia ex
su ressources public, scriber vostre proprie
presentation del grammatica de interlingua, e publicar
vostre effortios in le Rete pro le uso de alteres.


Si vos es un studente del anglese, io spera que
le textos in interlingua e anglese que io presenta
in iste sito vos adjuvara in vostre studios.  Vos
anque pote adjuvar studentes de vostre lingua native
si vos presenta simile textos bilingue in iste sito.

Vos anque pote imprimer textos in un tertie lingua,
preparar un version de illos in interlingua, e
finalmente preparar un version de illos in vostre
lingua native.

Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
de interlingua como lingua ponte e presentara
ressources multo utile pro studentes del prime lingua
de tal textos trilingue e de vostre lingua native.

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