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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Christina Kuhne <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 15:17:24 +1000
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Christina Kuhne <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you for the 50+ people who responded, I was really surprised that there are a lot of people suffering from this but also there was a lot of good and helpful suggestions.  I will try to keep this summary brief, and have tried to include all suggestions. Personally for me I believe I have found the answer to my problem. I think the answer for me is a low carb diet and to treat my leaky gut, both these suggestions are in my summary.  I have copied and pasted what I thought were the relevant suggestions and have added my comments in italics.
So thanks again everyone for you help and support.

Here below are the most common reasons I was give for overeating.

Perhaps related to menstrual cycle....not relevant to me

Perhaps I haven't treated my leaky gut problem if I have one..........WITH EACH MEAL....one l-glutamine capsule and one Probiotics complex. The probiotics is a very potent, multi strain form of acidophilus....sorry yogurt won't cut it..not strong enough.
GLutamtine is an amino acid which not only gets oxygen to the brain but it is
also a catalyst for other nutrients.................Use veratrum alb 30 c , 2 pills under the tongue, to counteract gluten
accidents...............Thanks Anne I think this is one of the answers for me.

Lo Carbs would be of a great help.............This makes sense to me prior to this latest overeating episode I spent a week at my daughters and my son in law cooked either heaps of GF pasts rice or potato meals for a whole week so that is probably what set of this latest binge, also crave pasta mostly when I overeat.

consider getting on a low-carb diet to regulate you blood 
sugar and cravings (a modified Atkins diet will do, but add a few more 
leafy green vegetables and some berries and peaches, which are both 

celiac disease upsets the serotonin level in the body. the amount in the
gut (normally 99%) increases, starving the brain (normally 1%).
the best known results of a low level of serotonin in the brain are
depression, migraine headaches, and binge eating of carbohydrates. many
celiacs report one of these symptoms.
(binge eating of carbohydrates causes a brief spike in the serotonin level.)

wondered if you 
were having a high carb breakfast ? When I eat high carb breakfast I am 
ravenous by 10:00 am. I find that as long as I eat a protein along with 
my breakfast I do better . It has to do with insulin release .

Carbs make you hungry......look at the types of food you are eating on the 
hungry days and see if you are eating more sweets and carbs - they increase 
your insulin production, burn the sugar and starch off and it makes you 

carbs tend to not fill you up and your body craves more and
more. Try eating more protein with your meals
Carbohydrate Addicts Diet 

Recommended Books

Going Against the Grain

"Nourishing Traditions" 

The SchwartzbeinPrinciple (For help with damaged gut)

Other helpful suggestions.....

if I eat something sweet (GF
banana bread, for example) as the first thing consumed, I
stay hungrier all day long than if I eat something high in
protein with little or no sugar (sometimes my first meal is
actually beans and rice). There is a marked difference in my
hunger throughout the day.

try to make sure you are eating enough fat when you're on your "light
eating" days. Your intense hunger could be meeting a need your body feels
for more nutrition.

due to hunger............and increasing my protein (eggs,
peanut butter, meats, yogurt, etc) in moderation of course, helped a lot

may have psychological issues about 
giving up certain foods, sub-conscious fears you are not getting enough food, 
or enough nutrients and thereby gorge yourself. Based on my belief that most 
of us carry a LOT of baggage that we may not really be aware of and that most 
of us could benefit by this advice,............celiacs need to mourn their loss and most of us don't really pay much attention to this, given the time it takes to become educated and do 
all the work to follow the diet properly............

Before being diagnosed celiac you were likely suffering from a number of 
vitamin deficiencies and/or full blown malnutrition. Your body would have 
craved more food to try to get the sustenance it needed, Therefore, you 
were consuming a lot of calories/volume. Now that your body is healed or 
healing you do not have the deficiencies but you are used to the high 
caloric/volume intake. Maybe if you watch for the symptoms of overeating 
coming on and cut down your intake gradually you can come back to a normal 
eating pattern.

losing weight takes a lifestyle change and 
real commitment. It means sticking to a program daily for months at a time 
and not looking for an end date. It means getting into a routine of aerobic 
exercise, and stretching. It also, and this is the big part, means looking at your 
life in all ways possible, including your relationship with your family, with food, and 
with yourself. People who overeat are stuffing and filling a hold that cannot be 

eating something else you're allergic/
sensitive to too. I used to binge like that as well (I would
actually not eat at all for several days sometimes as the 
offending food left my system), but it had to do with food 
allergies - it certainly wasn't intentional! Once I eliminated
the remaining problem foods, I no longer did the binge thing

Not eating
enough and then your body is literally starving/craving more
food/nutrients/minerals/etc. I have also begun making myself take a
multi-vitamin, double iron supplement, and Calcium supplements.

as for the days when you gorge, this is how some people react
to a gluten ingestion. I know, some people get so sick they can't eat at
all, but others actually eat lots more.

are you over weight? ........

Over eating can be a reaction to malabsorbtion............body's defense
mechanism is to keep making you feel that hunger to get you to eat for the
nutrients that you are not getting because of malabsorbtion............followed the book, "Breaking the Vicious Cycle............... Check out:
www.breakingtheviciouscycle.org <http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.org>
It explains this very well and it is very scientific.

I used to binge and overeat on certain days. Then too often for my liking. 
Finally, I switched my diet entirely to a paleo way of eating................The Paleo Diet" is a good book. Author: L. Cordain

GERD (acid reflux). The overeating (hunger) 
problem went away as soon as I went on antacids.

Control????????????using food as a salve or a balm ???????????

if I under eat my body and all bodies will tend to overeat 
eventually. The cycle of semi-starvation and over eating is the body 
responding to not having enough food.................crave certain foods because I am 
addicted to them.............The addiction comes from proteins, one of which is gluten, 
not being properly broken down. They are not broken down properly 
because my body does not have the enzymes to break them down. The 
resulting peptides are opiate like structures that pass through the 
intestinal track due to the torn up guts celiacs have. Well, they 
affect brain function as any opiate does, and are addictive..................cravings can come about from candida or fungal overgrowth. Those little buggers, naturally found in our guts can get out of balance, get a real foothold on us and want to be fed..............Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook: Everything You Need to Know About Prevention, Treatment & Diet -- by Jeanne Marie Martin.

If you eat something high in protein early in the
day and avoid foods high in sugar (maybe also in fat) early
in the day, you may notice that your hunger stays "normal"
throughout the day, but that you don't feel hungry
constantly, needing to eat every few hours. Perhaps a food
diary would help -- tracking the hungry and lean days to see
if there is some pattern. I would track for exercise, too.

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