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Prof Norm Coombs <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Thu, 22 May 2003 21:08:37 -0700
text/plain (50 lines)
If it takes a village to raise a child, then it takes a campus-wide effort
to support the technology needs of a student with disabilities!

Barrier-free Information Technology, EASI's online month-long course
starting June 2 provides the insight and the awareness to help institutions
provide seamless service as is recommended by the Office for Civil Rights.
See syllabus and registration at:

The job requires the involvement of computer staff, instructional staff,
disabled student service staff, librarians and several levels of the
administration.  The course provides an overview of disabilities that
impact education and which impact the use of educational technology.  It
gives an overview of disability-related legislation but stresses that the
real reason to adapt for student information technology needs is that
schools now have the exciting opportunity to provide the most level
learning space for students in all of history.

While it cannot provide answers to all the situations that may arise on any
campus, the course provides pointers to Web and print resources that will
allow course graduates to keep abreast of this changing and dynamic
technical area.  It will be helpful for administrators, ADA coordinators,
disabled student service staff, academic counsellors, librarians, web
designers, faculty, instructional designers and staff from various computer
and information technology departments.

Everyone finishing the course will receive a course certificate of
completion.  Participants can also earn three continuing education units.
Those who complete a package of five courses will receive, from EASI and
the University of Southern Maine, the Certificate in Accessible Information

Students and overseas participants receive a 20% discount on the
registration fee.

EASI's course: Advanced Barrier-free Web Design also begins June 2:

EASI June Courses http://easi.cc/workshop.htm
Barrier-free Information Technology
Advanced Barrier-free Web Design
Learning Disabilities and Accessible Information Technology
...             .
                Norman Coombs
CEO EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information)
(949) 922-5992 (cell)