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Tony Hollick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sat, 3 May 1997 06:46:00 BST-1
text/plain (29 lines)
> The "right to work".... I like this. Tony, do you know which countries
> signed this and thereby agreed to the implementation of this
> declaration. I think it would be interesting to see how many countries
> are acting hypocritically in light of these rights that they have
> supposedly agreed to.


    I'm not expert on UN history.  I think the Resolution supporting the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted unanimously by the General
Assembly.  The USSR's position was the obstacle in getting it through the
Security Council.  Solzhenitsyn, in his memorable Nobel Prize address, 'One
Word of Truth...' (read the BBC translation if you don't speak Russian) says
that the great fault was in not making it binding onn all Member States, and
thus leaving people vulnerable to the depredations of governments not of
their choosing.

> If a country is found violating these "universal human rights," is there
> any recourse other than hoping Amnesty International will pursue a court
> case or letter-writing campaign????

    I'm not sufficiently expert on International Law.  There have been
international treaties adopting specific elements of the UDHR.  Ultimately,
this is political -- why not contact the UN, or your local United Nations
supporters' group?  Since every State nominally supports these Rights, it's
easier to 'hold them to their own rap', as someone once said...  >:-}
