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Thu, 17 Jan 2002 22:03:16 EST
Cindy Thompson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received many caring words of wisdom and I wish to thank all who
responded!  It has been most comforting.  A summary... "Goat cheese (as
well as foods like tuna) contain casein, many Celiacs are not able to
digest it." "The digestive system is so very sensitive right now...keep
away from all dairy products.  It could be a year before you can
reintroduce them."

"Normally, a strict GF diet can mean 2 to as many as 5 years before healing
has taken place."

"Try homeopathic remedy VETRATRUM ALB 30C to stop diarrhea."

"To heal the "leaky gut", take one L-glutamine capsule (amino acid acting as
catalyst for nutrients) and one Probiotics comples capsule (acidophilus to
soothe and heal the gut), both of which gave relief in 6 months."

"Use the pro-biotic Culturelle (888-828-4242) and no other supplements.  Eat
plenty of fruits and veggies, keep protein low, include carbs, avoid immune
reactive foods like beef, pork, gluten (of course), corn, milk, citrus,
potato, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes.  Eat turkey, only canola or olive oils,
and be very wary of yeast, as well as soy products which are in most
processed foods and even in chocolate!  Also, stay away from sulfites, found
in dried fruits and wine.(All this was recommended by Dr Fine of
www.finerhealth.com and supported by so many of you!)"

Armed with this knowledge, I saw my gastro doctor today.  He again reiterated
with me how severely destroyed my intestines are.  This process (becoming
well again) is going to take a lot of time.  While he agrees that these are
worthy precautions to take (the elimination of the sensitive foods) it will
leave me with very little to eat...basically rice foods.  He prefers the
approach that I eat the offensive food a 2nd time before eliminating it, if I
can even determine that based the amount of "bad" days I have.  But all in
all, he says this is my call as far as how much more I can take emotionally
as well as physically.  I have an excellent grip on GF eating.  He would like
another biopsy though in 2 months.  I had my first biopsy Thanksgiving week.
 If I have no healing at that time,  I will most definitely have to omit
those foods if not done so by then.  What do you think?

Cindy in New Hampshire