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David Poehlman <[log in to unmask]>
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* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 07:47:55 -0500
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Why college radio fears the DMCA

If the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
is fully enforced, stations will be unable to afford to webcast their

- - - - - - - - - - - - By Mark L. Shahinian

Dec. 13, 2001 |

In the heady days of the late 1990s, Internet radio
broadcasts were a poster child for the free flow of information over the
Web. But if a 1998 federal law is fully enforced, webcasting could be
just a fond memory for college radio.

Under the terms of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA),
radio stations around the country are supposed to pay thousands of
dollars in annual fees to broadcast streaming audio over the Web.
Managers of college and community stations say while their commercial
counterparts may be able to pay the fees, their stations don't have the
cash and will shut down their webcasts.

The 1998 law came up on Capitol Hill Thursday, as members of the House
Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property held an
oversight hearing on how temporary copies stored on computers should be
counted when calculating copyright fees.

The hearing, said congressional staffers, was an early skirmish in a
battle to defang the DMCA and transfer power from record companies back
to broadcasters.

Webcasting was once touted as an example of the Internet's leveling
power -- it allows small local stations to reach Internet users all over
the world. And college stations, which run tight budgets and eclectic
playlists, fit the webcast bill perfectly. But record companies don't
like webcasting, with its potential for copying and distributing
unlimited digital copies of songs.

Under long-standing U.S. copyright law, broadcasters pay a coalition of
songwriters' groups to air music over the Internet and the airwaves. But
until the DMCA, performers and record companies did not have the rights
to royalties when stations played their music. As part of the 1998 law,
Congress allowed performers and record companies to start collecting
fees on songs sent over the web, said Joel Willer, a mass communications
professor at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. There are still no
performer fees for regular airwave broadcasts.

But until now, the law has yet to be fully enforced. If it is, college
radio on the Web will be in trouble.

According to Bob Kohn, founder of eMusic.com, and author of a book on
music licensing, classic Beltway dealmaking partially explains why radio
stations are being asked to pay performers for webcasts,

As the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act came together, says Kohn,
the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Digital
Music Association, or DiMA, struck a deal: The DiMA, made up of
webcasting heavies such as MTV, wanted to shut small webcasters out of
the market. The RIAA wanted money for its artists and record companies.

The RIAA got their fees -- and the fees effectively strangled the
interest in small-time webcasting, says Kohn. The fees may end up doing
the same for college webcasting.

Both the RIAA and the DiMA strongly disagreed with Kohn's

"That's just pathetic," says Jonathan Potter, head of the DiMA. "The
MTVs and AOLs of the world have spent millions to argue for lower rates
for everybody." Agreeing to webcast fees was painful, and was only done
because members of the DiMA, faced with huge lawsuits over copyright
infringement, had their back to the wall, says Potter.

Will Robedee, general manager of KTRU at Rice University in Houston, is
trying to pull together a coalition of college radio stations to change

the DMCA. Some fees are acceptable, but college stations shouldn't have
to pay anywhere near what the big commercial stations pay, says Robedee.
The law makes some provision for special treatment of nonprofit
stations, but Robedee wants guarantees of substantially lower fees

The law also includes requirements that stations report every song
played -- requirements, says Robedee, that would be impossible for
low-budget, nonautomated stations to meet.

"There is a public interest in having these stations webcasting,"
Robedee said, citing exposure given to unknown bands, and the eclectic
playlists that characterize college radio.

Still, performers deserve payment for their songs, says Jano Cabrera,
spokesman for the RIAA. "We think that the law makes sense because
artists and record companies who invest time, energy and resources
should be compensated."

The fees, if implemented, would mean the end of webcasting at KALX, the
University of California at Berkeley's radio station, says KALX general
manager Sandra Wasson.

KALX pays a total of $623 per year to songwriters (as opposed to
performers) to play music over the Web. The fee is low, Wasson said,
because KALX doesn't run advertisements. If the recording industry's fee
proposal goes through, KALX would have to dish out $10,000 to $20,000 a
year in webcasting fees, Wasson said. And the fees would be retroactive
to 1998.

"On our small budget, there's just no way we can afford those amounts,"
says Wasson, who also notes that KALX's $200,000 yearly budget is huge
compared to most college stations.

The recording industry and broadcasters are battling in front of a
federal arbitration panel over just how high those fees should be. The
RIAA, representing performers, is asking for 0.4 cents per listener per
song. Broadcasters want fees many times lower. Record companies and
performers will split the fees equally, Cabrera said.

Robedee, at Rice, hopes a new bill intended to gut the Millennium
Copyright Act will include protections for college stations.

The Music On-Line Competition Act is designed to break the hammerlock
the recording industry has over music distribution, says Rep. Chris
Cannon, R-Utah. Cannon co-authored the bill along with Rep. Rick
Boucher, D-Va.

Cannon hails from a conservative district in eastern Utah. But he called
music-swapping service Napster "one of the coolest inventions of modern

The Boucher-Cannon bill streamlines the licensing and fee payment
process for webcasting, but as of yet, it doesn't lower the amount
college stations will pay.

Cannon, however, says he is willing to sit with college and nonprofit
stations and hear what they have to say.

Cabrera, at the RIAA, called Boucher-Cannon a "solution in search of a
problem," saying it introduces too much government regulation.

But according to one Cannon aide, copyright holders have listeners and
broadcasters over a barrel.

"The pendulum has swung a little too far for the copyright holders," the
aide said. "As a result, college radio stations are going to get hit
with $20,000 bills."

"It boils down," the aide said, "to, Do you want choice in your music?"

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About the writer Mark Shahinian is a freelance writer based in the San
Francisco Bay Area.