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Thu, 28 Feb 2002 17:29:27 -0800
Jeryl Cordell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The other day I was in Henry's (San Diego, CA, USA) and came across a
great new product.  You know how you hate to take those popcorn or rice
cakes on a trip because they take up half the suitcase with just air, and
they crumble when you look at them sideways?  Or how they bulge out when
you take them in a plastic bag in your pocket for that 'crackers and
cheese' reception?  Nothing like all those white crumbs down the front of
your blue suit as you go through the reception line.  I bought a package
of Corn Thins and when I opened them I was amazed.  They are popcorn cakes
like the regular ones, but they are compressed down to about 1/4 of the
depth, so there goes the wasted air space.  Yay!  Not only that, they are
strong.  My wife and I dipped hummus with them (whole) that had been
chilled so it was thick and resistant, and these guys never broke.  Yay!
They taste great and are gluten free (On the front of the package.)

What's more, they have soy and linseed in them, so you get omega-3 and
omega-6 acids, as well as the phytoestrogens of the soy.   These really
help the consistency and taste.   They are fat free other than the linseed.

They're by Real Foods out of Australia.  To find who carries them in your
area, they're at www.realfoods.com.au.  Fax (011) 61 2 9517 2068.  I have
no financial interest in these folks...never heard of them; but boy am I
glad to see a neat new product out for us.  And they were cheaper than the
crappy regular popcorn cakes that recently went from $1.19 to $2.89 at my
grocery store where they seem to think that I should have a financial
interest every time I go in.

Jere in SoCal