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Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Jan 1997 13:14:16 -0700
text/plain (49 lines)
>> Is it unfortunate, or is it the glory of what cooking has unlocked as a
>> nuitritional advantage for our species? (he asks with a wink and a nudge)

>For fanatical rawfoodist  it`s the shattering truth: raw food diet is not

Ha! I'm falling in love with you! (Metaphorically and electronically, of
course :))

>Yeah,  I love berries: blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, cloudberries,
>cranberries, currants ... I have never even tasted papaya  but I think
>berries do compensate your fruits perfectly.

In this case, what you don't know won't hurt you! ;)

>> Tiina you are an inspiration to us all: a rawist from Finland! (and a vegan
>> one to boot!) I'm sure you have much to teach us all about getting along on
>> a less than spectacular seasonal fare. Good to hear from you again.

>Sorry, but I must let you down:  I`m not 100% rawist and I`m not even
>a vegan. I wish I`d live on an all raw vegan diet, but perhaps my
>will isn`t strong enough yet. But I have made progress -  greatly -
>within fifteen years.  I think year by year I love more and more
>living food as I call it, because I want to look well, fresh and young.
>Who wouldn`t? :-)

Calorie reduced folks? :)

What is the definition of a rawist, anyway? I never considered it only for
100% raw. Anyone who eats even 50% raw is probably doing so deliberately
and so they are rawists, no?

I seem to remember you posting last year around this time (was that you?).
Emailing those early nights and late mornings away, eh?

>My climate ... This is the first winter I`ve enjoyed the period of
>winter darkness with cold, aurora borealis, full moon and scurry of snow.
>I think it`s because I`ve found equanimity (into my soul) I have
>begun to see beauty of this season, too. But this is out of topic
>so I stop here.

Sounds like a beautiful topic. I have a friend in Norway who has done her
best to share the aurora borealis experience with me. Berries and
borealis--almost worth a trip north!
