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Sheryl Burgstahler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 10:30:27 -0700
TEXT/PLAIN (110 lines)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 08:56:46 -0600
From: [log in to unmask]
Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: CUMREC 2004: Participate as a Presenter

CUMREC 2004 | Austin Texas May 16-19, 2004 | If you can see this, your
e-mail client does not support HTML e-mail messages. Please copy and
paste the following URL into your browser address bar to see the
message. http://www.educause.edu/email/cr04/cfp2.html

Participate As a Presenter

Submit your proposal online

Play an active part in the leading higher education administrative
technology conference—submit a presentation proposal
<http://www.educause.edu/email/cr04/cfp2/track.asp?id=submit>  for
CUMREC. The 2004 event, "Spicing Up Technology," will be held May 16–19
in Austin, Texas (note correction in dates).

The deadline for submissions is December 5, 2003. Submit your proposal
online today.

How You Can Benefit from Presenting

Just as you may have benefited from your colleagues' knowledge at an
EDUCAUSE event, you have the potential to enrich others by giving a
presentation at the conference. Presenting offers perks for you, too:

*       Help create an innovative and informative program
*       Gain recognition
*       Spotlight your institution's achievements
*       Make valuable contacts
*       Hone your public speaking skills
*       Build confidence and self-esteem
*       Facilitate progress in the academic community

Contribute Your Expertise to One of These Program Tracks

*       Applications Development and Case Studies
*       Access to Information—Policy and Solutions
*       Building Effective Partnerships
*       Directions for Higher Education and Information Technology
*       Leadership and Management
*       Technical Infrastructure and Security
*       Web Services
*       Corporate Presentations
*       View track descriptions

Special Grant and Award for Eligible CUMREC Presenters

If your conference proposal is accepted and you are a first-time
presenter at CUMREC, you will automatically be considered for the New
Horizon Grant, an initiative of the CUMREC Board of Directors to improve
the diversity and quality of the CUMREC program. The grant consists of a
complimentary registration to the current conference plus a stipend of
$600. No special application is required.

In addition, each year CUMREC presents the Best Presentation Award,
based on evaluations submitted by conference attendees. It includes a
complimentary registration and cash award. The award is based on
evaluations submitted by conference attendees.

Related Opportunity

If your proposal addresses an effective technology-related practice or
solution implemented on your campus, submit your presentation content to
the Effective Practices and Solutions
<http://www.educause.edu/email/cr04/cfp/track.asp?id=eps>  database.

You are receiving this message because EDUCAUSE believes you will
benefit from this information. If you want to be removed from this list,
send an e-mail to [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  with
"remove CR04-ANNOUNCE" in the subject line. For other questions, e-mail
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> .

CUMREC Home Page
<http://www.educause.edu/email/cr04/cfp2/track.asp?id=ftCUMREC>  |
CUMREC 2004 Home Page
<http://www.educause.edu/email/cr04/cfp2/track.asp?id=ftCR04>  |
<http://www.educause.edu/email/cr04/cfp2/track.asp?id=ftEDUCAUSE>  |

 See EASI Special October Bonus offer at http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
EASI November courses are:
Barrier-free E-learning, Accessible Internet Multimedia and Business Benefits of Accessible IT Design:
EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi

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