Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Dumitrescu Cristian <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 31 May 2002 03:20:57 -0700
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (117 lines)
Car Julio,

  Il es un broma, ubi tu non explica que significa le
littera (etiam parola) "a" in anglese - io perdeva le
interesse in le facie a plus de 25 variantes, ubi
solmente le symbolo "a" ha 18 variantes.
  Si on audi "ei" et comprende "ay" (que se audi etiam
"ei") et significa un reaction-surprisa verso le
"miseria" on pote adder al broma un conotation
malitiose ("tu es le sol miseria de Europa").
  Si on audi "nei" ... etc.
  Esque le broma non salta "super le cavallo", proque
le anglese ha le "capabilitate" de exprimer "tante"
significationes con le mesme "parola"?
  Probabilemente un non anglese qui sape solmente
qualque significationes, comprende un broma, un altere
lo comprende differentemente, sed un anglese (con un
normale QI) non comprende nihil.
  Bon. Cata uno con su (non)comprehension de bromas.
Ma isto non solva le comunicationes plus seriose.
  In le caso de un lingua franc pro Europa Unite,
esque le anglese pote satisfacer le criterias de
efficientia et de claritate que debe prevaler a un
lingua franc!?
  In despecto a mi appreciation pro le lingua anglese
(et specialmente pro celle de Shakespeare) mi responsa
es non. Ergo io pensa que le opposition de Allan es
juste et que nos, hobbyistas de interlingua, ha al
disposition un instrumento plus valide.

  Como un adagio, in le sito interlinguaitalia esseva
un observation de un persona que es un sordo italian,
et que scribeva que le sordos american non pote leger
ex le movimentos de labios quando se parla anglese.
Pro le sordos italian ecce que si. Isto es un function
ubi le anglese falle in qualitate, como falle un scala
que non permite le accesso pro le handicappatos.
  Io crede que le argumentos humanitarian debe ser
plus valide in nostre futur societate.


(*) Ecce qualque significationes pro "a" ex Collins :

a or  A (e) , pl  a's, A's  or  Asthe first letter
and first vowel of the modern English alphabetany of
several speech sounds represented by this letter, in
English as in take, bag, calm, shortage, or cobraAlso
called: alpha. the first in a series, esp. the highest
grade or mark, as in an examinationfrom A to Z. from
start to finish, thoroughly and in detail
a1(; emphatic e) (indefinite article; used before an
initial consonant. Compare an 1)used preceding a
singular countable noun, if the noun is not previously
specified or known: a dog; a terrible
disappointmentused preceding a proper noun to indicate
that a person or thing has some of the qualities of
the one named: a Romeo; a Shylockused preceding a noun
or determiner of quantity: a cupful; a dozen eggs; a
great many; to read a lotused preceding a noun
indicating a concrete or abstract thing capable of
being divided: half a loaf; a quarter of a
minute(preceded by once, twice, several times, etc.)
each or every; per: once a day; fifty pence a pounda
certain; one: to change policy at a stroke; a Mr Jones
called(preceded by not) any at all: not a hope.Compare
the 1
a2() an informal or dialect word for have: they'd a
said if they'd knowna3() (usually linked to the
preceding noun) an informal form of of: sorta sad; a
kinda wastea4accelerationare(s) (metric measure of
land)atto-Chess. See algebraic notation
Music a note having a frequency of 440 hertz (A above
middle C) or this value multiplied or divided by any
power of 2; the sixth note of the scale of C majora
key, string, or pipe producing this notethe major or
minor key having this note as its tonica human blood
type of the ABO group, containing the A antigen(in
Britain) a major arterial road: the A3 runs from
London to Portsmouth(in Britain, formerly)a film
certified for viewing by anyone, but which contains
material that some parents may not wish their children
to see(as modifier): an A film mass numberthe number
10 in hexadecimal notationCards. aceargon (now
superseded by Ar)ampere(s)Also: at.
ampere-turnabsolute (temperature)(in circuit diagrams)
ammeterarea(in combination) atomic: an A-bomb; an
A-plantChem. affinity.
proposition, such as all men are mortal: often
symbolized as SaP. Compare E, I, O[from Latin a
(ffirmo) I affirm]a person whose job is in top
management, or who holds a senior administrative or
professional position(as modifier): A worker.See also
occupation groupings international car registration
for Austria angstrom unita. acre(s) or
acreagealtoamateuranswerA. acre(s) or
acreageAmerica(n)answera' aa or aw (:) Scot.
variants of alla-1or before a vowel an- not; without;
opposite to: atonal; asocial[from Greek a-, an- not,
a-2on; in; towards: afoot; abed; aground;
abackLiterary or archaic. (used before a present
participle) in the act or process of: come a-running;
go a-huntingin the condition or state of: afloat;
alive; asleep.

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