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Tue, 18 Sep 2001 12:09:40 +0200
Jo & Gary Kaplan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear listmates,

My two kids and I have been GF for 2 months and casein free for one.
My kitchen is cleaned out completely and GF.  My husband only is
eating gluten and casein, and we are waiting for gluten tests to come
back for he and I.

The two kids have gluten intolerance (and I think I do too, as well as
chocolate intolerance).

PROBLEM:  We had planned to accompany our 5-year old to all
birthday parties he attends from now on (There will be 35 home
parties just from the kids in kindergarten this year.)  But I forgot on
the first one, Saturday at 5 pm.  I can't believe I forgot.  As soon as
he came home, my husband reminded me.  We gave him an enzyme
but realize it was afterward.

The next a.m. (Sunday), he threw up and felt better (as usual, this
happens regularly), especially after his GF pretzels.  His head hurt
and I gave him a tylenol.  He felt better the rest of the day.  Except
at night before bed, the stomach hurt.  The next morning (Monday)
his head hurt and of course the stomach, but no vomiting, although
he tried.  Fever 101.0 and some congestion.   I gave him a tylenol
and his GF pretzels, and within an hour or so he was "fine", but of
course, medicated with the tylenol.  Around 5-6 pm the tylenol
wore off and he was with fever again and didn't want to eat much
at dinner.  I decided not to give the tylenol, and put him to bed
since he was already practically asleep.

Tuesday a.m. (this a.m.) he did not have a fever and seemed "OK"
so far, yet with congestion.  I will be going to the doctor on
Thursday anyway, and will have her check him for the congestion.

I am assuming this was simply a coincidental virus . . . am I right?
Does anyone have fever after eating gluten?

Jo in Israel