> Cutting back on carbs to the point of being in
> ketosis helped my
> spring allergies a lot this year. I would be
> interested to know if
> sufferers of other allergies have seen the same
Cutting carbs did not help me at all. My first low
carb phase was very similar to Atkins. It was when I
dumped milk and gluten foods that my seasonal
allergies all but disappeared. I went from agony
(insanely itchy eyes, hyperactive sneezing, severe
congestion, mouth blisters, frequent urination, etc..)
to almost nothing. I used to dread March thru May but
this spring was painless. It's nice that I finally
figured this out because when you're suffering like
this it's hard to be happy or content and it rubs off
on the people around you.
Elevated mood is one of the most positive side effects
of this diet.
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