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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tom Bridgeland <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:06:05 +0900
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Dean Pistilli wrote:
> >>From:    Tom Bridgeland <[log in to unmask]>
> >>Subject: Re: lactose/milk
> >>I sort of disagree. Sure, cows milk is less suitable for human
> >>consumption than human milk. But most people living now grew up on
> >>just that cows milk,

> Cows milk seems to trigger the same childhood affections and emotions as
> motherly love almost. Condemn cow's milk and its like striking down
> someone's own mom!

Slap! Slap!

> The only questions I would ask is this: How many of the milk drinking /
> people-living-now-who-grew-up-on-wholesome-milk-and-grains" are truly
> healthy??

No argument from me here! My personal experience is that wheat is the
culprit, and milk not much of a problem, so I tend to emphasise that.
I think most people's trouble is too few veggies and not enough
By the way, the corn and beans diet people I knew in central america
were pretty unhealthy too. The men were  scrawny and the women  fat.
Lots of health problems. But the biggest dietary problem they had was
lack of calories for the kids and men. They were also short other
nutrients, vitamins and minerals. I still would not hesitate to
recommend more milk in that diet, whatever the long term problems,
their short term deficiencies were so acute. We have the luxury to
choose to eat this or that food. They don't.
> Sure, its considered absolutely normal to:  look dead in the mornings,
> need caffeine/sugar fixes through the day, not be able to walk let alone
> run a kilometre (without a car), spend afternoons trying not to fall
> asleep at a desk, spend $$ on painkillers/antacids/supplements, etc.
> etc. etc. In my eyes, the "norm" in modern society is not "healthy"
> despite the majority exhibiting the same behaviours.

At 40 people should be only slightly less fit than at 20. That we are
not has many causes, diet only one. A lot of people allow themselves
to be victimised by their surroundings. Have to work, have to make X
salary, have to obey the boss,teacher,cop,doctor. Too many do not take
command and rule themselves. That includes setting up your day to
include exercise (oh, I just don't have time) veggies in the diet, whatever.
It is a philosophical ill at root, the physical is a symptom.
