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Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Jul 2001 01:31:42 -0700
text/plain (29 lines)
>Hm, I like sweet corn sometimes. I remember some years ago I had a big
>need for it. This year I ate nearly nothing.

were you  at the beginning of the switch to instincto?
>>more time goes and less i can stand commercial varieties of fruits and
>>vegetables and more wild taste is appealling.
>The same for me. Overbreeded fruits are just sweet and empty. And the
>stop is to weak. One never knows if it is enough. Also there is some
>little feeling of disappointment after eating them. Some sort of feeling
>that there was a fraud.

well expresed ,that is the feeling that i get,  being cheated
>Recently I ate red bellpepper. When I was near the end of one there
>was a thought coming up: "Why aren't they turning hot at their end?
>They should!"
>I was disappointed because the hot taste was missing.
>Red bellpepper has been breeded from wild pepperoni or chili which
>always tastes hot at the end where the stalk is.

 same for me ,i found a variety of mildy hot pepper that are very satisfying
, the flavor is the one of a hot pepper while very mild pungent.
