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Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 01:05:33 -0700
text/plain (115 lines)
>> I enjoyed reading your instinctive nutrition site info and presentation.
>> you actually believe persons would choose to eat raw green leafy veggies
>> their taste cannot compare with the taste of luscious sweet fruits. Isn't
>> very necessary that humans obtain the nutrients within the greens?
>When the body really needs greens they can become almost as delicious as

It is true ,when i came back  in spring from a 3 months trip in india where
tasty greens were not available , i became crazy on greens really starving
for them , corn salad ,lettuce chicorees and dandelion can taste excellent
to me but ...

In a natural environment the availability of greens is way greater than
fruits  so the instinctive attraction don't have to be so strong
the fruit requiring more work and effort to get them  for the purpose very
attractive to the eyes and taste.
In an unatural food supply like when you buy , you are most likely going to
end up eating less greens that you would in a natural quest for foods.
On top of that domesticated fruits have been bred with the intent of making
them easier to the instinct  it is even worst with modern varieties .( I
hate the taste of seedless watermelon  or grapes the are so easy to eat but
don't have any character) .
other thing greens taste delicious when eaten while harvesting .It is
impossible to make my 4 years old son eat greens when bought but when we
harvest  ourselves he likes them ( nettle is his favorite)

>> Infants need to have their foods pulverized until they have
>> teeth?
>Mothers can "pre-chew" the baby's food product like it is the case among
>many species

fathers too, i did lot of chewing for my son, he started very early with
foods ( few months  old ) and before he had teeth or could talk,  he was
bringing me to the parsley patch and made me chew way beyond the stop for me
. It was amazing the amount he could swallow , same with nettles.
for information his mother was trying to eat instinctivily and ended up not
eating greens because of the problems mentionned higher up.( he breastfed
till recently the day our 2 months baby was born)
he definitevelly wanted greens and parsley and nettles are no easy greens,
they let  you know when enough is enough..
one trick to eat more greens , is to present yourself to them in priority
before the fruits . I was eating them , first thing in the morning while
working in the garden before my fruit lunch. or to make sure you do an
evening meal without fruits.

also since i started to eat abondantly animal products  my "desire for
fruits dropped and my desire for greens is greater .
happy grazing ( wild and alive is the best)
>> Where are all these thousands of instinctive eaters in the USA?

there is at least 3 ( soon 4 ) in british colombia , my familly .
>Most of them are in Germany, France and Italy. There has been no
>infrastructure in the US for Instinctive Nutrition so far. We are slowly
>trying to built one.

i started for few years networking with other instinctos world wide and do
exchange of foods . unhapilly not that many instinctos went so far to adress
the production of foods . In europe it is easy mother ORKOS take care .
But if we want for the instincto experiment to last ( individually and
colectivelly) we better do something because if we rely on cooked food
producers we are doomed ( they just can't get it how important quality is).
So i have great salmon, shrimps  here and grass fed lamb beef and chickens
propose  dried , walnuts and filberts sometimes and dry fruits
what can you put your hand on in your aera?

>> I would
>> like to increase my circle of friends with hopefully smart raw/living
>> food/instinctive eaters.
>> I aim for 100% organic food and have difficulty
>> purchasing it fresh or finding farms where I can pick it. Sometimes it is
>> wilted at the Whole&nbsp;Wheatery (my&nbsp;closest whole foods market in
>> Lancaster, CA). I have noticed signs at Wild Oats (Orange County, CA)
>> that their foods are waxed.
>Food supply is one of the biggest problem in the US. Food processing is
>almost everywhere and is often hidden. Nuts in health food store are always
>dried at high temperature or frozen to kill insects eggs, that is why
>get addicted to them.
>Buy directly from producers is the best solution.

being producers will be the only sustainable way  in the long run .when 5
percent of the population is in charge of the food supply of the rest what
do you expect.?
if instinctos don't do the planting of the good stuff who is going to do it
and what ?( never tried wild berries here we have thimbleberries  ,
salmonberries  , trailing blackberries, wild goose berries,  2 kind of
himalayan blackberries  ,wild strawberries , many varieties of huckleberries
and blueberries ...
we have the chance here that the destruction of species diversity is a
recent phenomenon ( just over 100 years ), what happened to the wild supply
of foods in your aera ,what is hapenning now ?
who is better positionned than an instincto to have interest in saving the
hundred of species that was the fare of the natives in north america .?

So i propose for 25 dollars a "all what you can plant" working party ! so
send the money , i do the planting if you can't do it yourself and obtain
the right to have a  a butter nut or walnut  feast 25 years later. Anyone?