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Denis PEYRAT <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Mar 1997 04:50:13 +0100 (GMT)
text/plain (37 lines)
>Come on, Denis. You are quite negative in your energies towards GC Burger,
>and it is very effective! ;) I wish there was no role for "negativity" but
>from most any perspective one looks at it (except one which romanticizes
>gentleness above all else) negativity can be a proper response to Bad
>Things. I'm all for turning the other cheek and have done so (to the horror
>and amusement of my fellow high schoolers a couple times when I was popped
>in the face), but IMO there is a line one must draw in the sand of human
>behavior. NFL crosses and continues to cross my line.

>Kirt (who, thanks to Denis, is in possession of a photocopy of the
>newspaper story regarding GC Burger's son's arrest for sexual
>misconduct--in French. Though I can make out some stuff--like that the
>sentencing or part of the judgement was due March 6th, I think--are there
>any French/English reading listers willing to translate a faxed copy of the
>article? ...And a public thanks to Denis for his kindness in mailing it to
>me. Thanks!)

Very clever. You seem to be willing to take advantage of my negativity for
Burger (and Co) to justify your own negativity  for the NFL. And you want to
take me on board with you  by  implying  that both attitudes are to be
respected equally ( you even seem to  imply that I would play the hypocrite
by hiding my own negativity while denigrating yours ).  I won't accept that
one ! How can you equate the sexual misdeeds of the Montrame clan and the
devastating consequences for the renommée of the instincto movement in
France, with the somehow, somewhere enlightening propaganda of the Vegans. I
will remind you that they fight animal farming and inhuman treatment to
animals just like we are supposed to do .... and that they do an excellent
job to heighten public awareness on the dangers of dairy products, just like
you should do, if you were, IMHO, entirely consistent in your theories.
Levelling Burger and the NFL  comes down to either "criminalizing" NFL or
making commonplace of Burger's misconduct. Whatever you choose you have it
all wrong, Kirt.
Waiting for your next post with amazement.
