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Norman Levitt <[log in to unmask]>
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Norman Levitt <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 14:51:28 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (157 lines)
      January 10, 1999

     Richard Dawkins attacks superstitions, fantasies and every kind of


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     Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder.
     By Richard Dawkins.
     337 pp. Boston:
     Houghton Mifflin Company. $26.

     Suppose you're a famous scientist, blessed with a social
     conscience and a gift for writing, who becomes sufficiently
     dismayed by the persistence of superstition, pseudoscience and
     general muddle-headedness among the masses that you're tempted to
     write a book about it -- one that aims to shepherd people out of
     the darkness and onto the sunlit path of empirical fact. Your
     skills are sharp, your motives lofty. Should you do it?

     Well, maybe, but don't expect much in the way of reward. You'll
     probably flop with the very people you hope to enlighten, and
     understandably so. Their exploiters thrill them with hair-raising
     tales of alien abductions and how Sally learned from a midnight
     dream that Uncle Barney was perishing in a house fire; you get to
     tell them that such stories, which they love, are bunk. And that's
     if they hear from you at all: while they are paging through The
     National Enquirer and watching ''Strange Universe'' on television,
     your book will be read mostly by college professors who already
     agree with you. Nor can you expect much gratitude from them,

     You'll be lucky to escape being nailed by the likes of Richard
     Lewontin, the eminent Harvard zoologist and professional scold.
     Reviewing Carl Sagan's last book, ''The Demon-Haunted World,''
     Lewontin asserted that popularizers of science are motivated by the
     belief that ''the truth shall make you free,'' a conviction that,
     in this context at least, Lewontin calls ''wrong.'' The biologist
     Paul R. Gross and the mathematician Norman Levitt, whose book
     ''Higher Superstition'' sparked a continuing debate about
     post-modernist critiques of science, were dismissed by Lewontin for
     what he called their ''obtuse ignorance of the actual state of
     science.'' Get the picture? Stick your neck out and you'll be next.

     So the first thing to be said about Richard Dawkins's ''Unweaving
     the Rainbow,'' which argues that scientific fact is both
     intellectually and esthetically more pleasing than pseudoscientific
     fantasy, is that he is to be congratulated for his courage in
     attempting it. Does he avoid all the pitfalls that threaten those
     who tilt at the windmills of antiscience? Well, no. Too often he
     sounds like Prof. Eat Your Peas, and he can't resist preaching to
     the choir. But he's a good enough writer to get away -- sometimes
     -- with ignoring the old dictum that no good deed goes unpunished.

     Dawkins, a zoologist, is the Professor of the Public Understanding
     of Science at Oxford and the author of two of the most widely
     influential studies of evolution ever written, ''The Selfish Gene''
     and ''The Blind Watchmaker.'' As their titles imply, they argue
     that evolution is a mechanical, nonteleological process. Organisms
     pursue their own selfish interests, indifferent to any putative
     greater good, which indeed they could not serve if they wished to,
     since the process is blind. As Dawkins puts it in ''Unweaving the
     Rainbow'': ''Natural selection is never aware of the long-term
     future. It is not aware of anything. Improvements come about not
     through foresight but by genes coming to outnumber their rivals in
     gene pools. . . . There is no foresight.''

     This conclusion seems to me to be virtually inescapable as a matter
     of science -- although in theological terms one can always hold
     that blind evolution forms part of a larger and ultimately
     purposeful system -- but it still strikes many as disheartening.
     Even some scientists can't stomach it; Stephen Jay Gould, for one,
     has taken Dawkins to task for what he calls his ''evolutionary
     fundamentalism.'' Dawkins, evidently a bit stung, asserts in his
     new book that Gould writes ''bad poetry'' that ''in his hands is
     all the more damaging because Gould is a graceful writer.'' But he
     concedes that many readers have complained to him about what they
     see as the ''cold, bleak'' tone of his previous books, their air
     ''of barren desolation, of promoting an arid and joyless message,''
     their sense that life is ''empty and purposeless.'' In ''Unweaving
     the Rainbow'' he is out to present a kinder, gentler side of his
     worldview, from which perspective science, for all its rigor,
     emerges as akin to art. ''It is my thesis,'' he writes, ''that the
     spirit of wonder which led Blake to Christian mysticism, Keats to
     Arcadian myth and Yeats to Fenians and fairies, is the very same
     spirit that moves great scientists; a spirit which, if fed back to
     poets in scientific guise, might inspire still greater poetry.''

     Sadly, the spirit of wonder is kept waiting off stage during much
     of the first two-thirds of the book, which falls victim to several
     of the rhetorical excesses that can afflict an able scientist who
     starts wagging his finger at the ignorant. Dawkins belabors the
     obvious: ''We have an appetite for wonder, a poetic appetite, which
     real science ought to be feeding but which is being hijacked, often
     for monetary gain, by purveyors of superstition, the paranormal and
     astrology.'' (You don't need a psychic friend to discern that.) He
     seems out of touch: ''It is certainly important that some people,
     indeed some of our brightest and best, should learn to do science
     as a practical subject. But couldn't we also teach science as
     something to read and rejoice in, like learning how to listen to
     music rather than slaving over five-finger exercises in order to
     play it?'' (What does he think goes on in all those general science
     courses called ''Physics for Poets'' and ''Rocks for Jocks''?)

     He takes a curmudgeonly view of those who attempt to reach the
     young by teaching them that science is ''fun'': ''If children are
     lured into science, or any other worthwhile occupation, by the
     promise of easy fun, what are they going to do when they finally
     have to confront the reality? . . . 'Fun' sends the wrong signals
     and might attract people to science for the wrong reasons.'' He
     excoriates what he calls ''the kind of populist whoring that
     defiles the wonder of science'' and sniffs at the preferences of
     the unwashed: ''Many people who read daily horoscopes don't really
     believe them. They state that they read them only as
     'entertainment' (their taste in what constitutes entertaining
     fiction is evidently different from mine).''

     Fortunately, after a couple of hundred pages Dawkins stops berating
     the benighted -- who are, after all, mostly poor and undereducated
     and, therefore, frightened -- and settles down to what he does
     best, which is to convey each scientific idea with an affection
     that brings out its beauty and clarity and makes the reader feel
     not only that he understands it but almost as if he had thought of
     it himself.

     Particularly successful are his foresighted musings on information
     theory, an emerging approach to understanding the world that could
     eventually transform the philosophical underpinnings of science,
     though to date it remains shrouded in fog. Information itself,
     often muddled in such discussions, is here succinctly defined as
     ''surprise value, measured as the inverse of expected probability''
     -- which is an excellent way of explaining why, for instance, a
     ream of yellowed fish-wrapping paper increases in information value
     if it is found to contain, say, a lost Bach cantata. Invoking the
     information content of genetic material, Dawkins writes: ''We are
     digital archives of the African Pliocene, even of Devonian seas;
     walking repositories of wisdom out of the old days. You could spend
     a lifetime reading in this ancient library and die unsated by the
     wonder of it.''

     Even grumpy professors like me will find ''Unweaving the Rainbow''
     worth reading, if only for passages like that. At such moments
     Dawkins throws off the wet blanket and emerges as one of the most
     incisive science writers alive.

     Timothy Ferris is the author, most recently, of ''The Whole
     Shebang: A State-of-the-Universe(s) Report.''

   Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company