Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 23:14:09 +0300
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Allan Kiviaho <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (179 lines)
d[010608] x[Kiviaho Allan] z[KivA-168 TawL interlng]
z[TawL-167 KivA-167]
s[Alarma false - nulle virus!]

Usa Courier New 10 o Courier 10, per favor!

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Dear Lawrence,                  Car Lawrence,

Thank you for your message!     Gratias pro tu message!

Lawrence: ... write back in the appropriate language.

You are right, Interlingua is   Tu ha ration, Interlingua es
the appropriate language ...    le lingua appropriate ...

Lawrence: I receive VIRUS alerts through my ISP (Microsoft
Network) and routinely pass them on to everyone in my address
book -- and everyone who has posted on the Interlng message
board since October is in my address book.

Well, your message looked like  Bon, tu message appareva como
one of those notorious viruses  un de iste virii infamose,
that have been roaming around,  que ha devastate hic e ubi,
because the address list of the proque le lista de adresses in
message was seemingly random    tu message pareva esser aleato-
(a typical worm virus uses      ri (un typic virus "worm" usa
randomly the address book of a  fortuitemente le libro de ad-
computer that it had invaded    resses del computator que illo
spreading the virus further     ha invadite e divulga le virus
using the MS Outlook and        ultra usante le MS Outlook e
disguising as a real person,    disguisante se como un persona
like you). We interlinguanists  real, como tu). Nos interlin-
have been assaulted by the      guanistas ha un vice essite
"Happy99" virus a couple of     assaltate per le virus
years ago, it came to as via    "Happy99", illo veniva a nos
Bashkiria (a turkic republic    via Baszkírdistan (un republica
in the Russian Federation)      turc in le Federation Russia)
and Sweden (a germanic kingdom  e Svedia (un germanic rege in
in the European Union) and we   le Union Europee) e nos era
were saved by the webmaster in  salvate per le webmaestro in
Brazil (a latin republic in     Brasil (un republica latin in
the FTAA). This we can call     le ALCA). Isto nos pote appel-
global, don't we?               lar global, nonne?

One of the viruses that have    Un del virii que ha
been devastating in the         devastate in le
corporation where I was         corporation ubi io travaliava
working as a system manager     como un administrator del sys-
was the "LoveLetter". It        temas era le "LoveLetter". Illo
destroyed some thousands of     devastava alicun milles del
files of our internet           files de nostre magazin inter-
magazin. We fell the offer      netial. Nos cadeva como
because the market research     victimas proque le director
manager of our company had      del recerca de mercatos de
been using the Microsoft        nostre compania habeva usate le
Outlook although it was         Microsoft Outlook benque illo
strictly forbidden and he       era strictemente prohibite e
ignored all other precautions   ille ignorava tote le altere
(opened a dubious attached      precautiones (ille aperiva un
file in his eMail               file dubitose que era attachate
etc.).                          a su ePosta etc.)

The two other viruses in my     Le duo altere virii in mi
practice came from our          practica veniva ab nostre
Russian customers (we were a    clientes (nos era un
big media corporation -         grande corporation de medias -
newspapers, magazines,          jornales, magazines,
television, Internet services   television, servicios de Inter-
/eBusiness/ etc).               net /eMercato/ etc).

One could purge one of those    On poteva purgar un del iste
Russian viruses only by a       virii russe solmente per un
Russian anti-virus software,    software anti-virus russe,
"AV". My wife said to me that   "AV". Mi sposa diceva a me que
when we use that Russian        quando nos usa iste software
software it will purge the      russe illo purga le prime
first virus but implant a new   virus sed implanta un nove
one for which we must buy       contra que nos debe comprar
another Russian program and     un altere programma russe
so on ...                       etc ...

An amusing incident was that    Un incidento amusante era que
one of those Russian viruses    un de nostre virii russe
popped up for years afterwards  saltava retro post annos
because a chief of our          proque un chef de nostre
corporation who had quitted     corporation, qui habeva quit-
years ago, joined us again -    tate ante annos, se inrolava
and brought along an infected   de novo a nos - e apportava un
diskette from his earlier       dischetto infectite ex su
life with us ...                previe vita con nos ...

Lawrende: I originally decided to subscribe to the Website last
fall when I opened my e-mail account, in order to monitor
conversations and, hopefully, slowly pick up a few words and
phrases. However, I have not applied myself enough to
understand your letter nor to write back in the appropriate

Don't be pessimistic,           Non sia pessimistic,
Lawrence, everyone who          Lawrence, alicuno qui
understands English, has good   sape anglese, possede bon
chances to understand           chances de saper
Interlingua as well, both       interlingua, ambe
languages have its roots in     linguas ha su radices in le
Latin, Interlingua more,        latino, interlingua plus,
English a little bit less but   anglese un pauc minus sed
firmly enough.                  assatis firmemente.

If you want, I could send you   Si tu vole, io poterea inviar
a good English-Interlingua      a te un bon dictionario
dictionary, in ASCII and        anglese-interlingua, in ASCII
zipped, as an attached file     e zipate, como un file
of eMail.                       attachate con ePosta.

Cordially                       Cordialmente

Allan                           Allan

Interlingua: Aut vincendum aut moriendum! [1]
             Interlingua o morte!
             In GODe we trust! [2]

Kiviaho Allan
SILY - Suomen Interlinguayhdistys ry.
FILF - Föreningen för Interlingua i Finland
AFIL - Association Finlandese pro Interlingua
Kivimäentie 16 E. FIN-01620 VANTAA. Finlandia
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[1] Un devisa latin in le armas heraldic del
    Fraternitate de Capites Nigre (Egypto,
    Lyons/Francia, Luzern/Helvetia,
    Riga/Latvia, Tallinn/Estonia e
    Viipuri-Vyborg/ex-Finlandia) - vide
    - Clicca le cavallero
    - Sancte Mauritius e le Capites Nigre
      (Luzern, Riga, Tallinn, Viipuri*).

* Viipuri/Vyborg was until 1944 the next biggest town
  in Finlandia. In June 1944 the heroic Soviet army
  of Generalissimus Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
  liberated Viipuri that had been suffering during
  750 years under tyranny of Sweden and Finland.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Viipuri/Vyborg era usque 1944 le secundo plus
  grande urbe de Finlandia. In junio 1944 le heroic
  armea sovietic del generalissimus Iossif
  Vissarionovicz Stalin liberava Viipuri que habeva
  suffrite durante 750 annos sub le tyrannia de
  Svedia e Finlandia.

[2] Dr. Alexander Gode-von Aesch was the last director
    of the IALA (International Auxiliary Language
    Association) and he was the person who gave the
    final form of our beloved language, Interlingua,
    in New York 1951. Thus he is our GODe.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Dr. Alexander Gode-von Aesch era le ultime
    director del IALA (International Auxiliary
    Language Association) e ille era le person qui
    dava le forma final a nostre lingua amate,
    interlingua, in New York 1951. Dunque ille es
    nostre GODe.