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Madeline Mason <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 09:45:54 EDT
text/plain (66 lines)
In a message dated 4/5/01 8:20:09 AM, Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]> writes:

<< On Tue, 3 Apr 2001 17:38:57 EDT, Madeline Mason <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From Todd:
>>It's interesting that a recent study in the British Medical
>>Journal showed monounsaturated fat causing an increase in Lp(a),
>>which is considered an independent risk factor for heart disease.
>>I know that Mary Enig also thinks the "politically correct"
>>monounsaturated fats have been overrated.

did you notice that this statement matches Erasmus' claim (with a study
cited) that particularly monounsaturated fats, (together with saturated) can
"suppress EFA activity". That would rise up all the prostaglandin topics...

> I use olive oil and
>flaxseed oil liberally. Perhaps I need to rethink my use of these oils.

I would just like to mention one thought, Madeline:
You might be suffering from a omega-6 *deficit*.
Olive oil is low in all EFAs and flax oil is exorbitantely high in ALA but
not so high in omega-6 LA. And LA is necessary for most prostaglandin
You could simply add some sunflower oil to work together with the flax oil
as a EFA source. If you manage to find a non-heated flavourful sunflower
Or switch to hemp oil instead of flax.

Impressive, your vitamin C intake.

Cheers, Amadeus

Thanks for your suggestions, Amadeus. This is an interesting idea. But I had
neglected to mention that I also take Udo's Choice Perfected Oil Blend, which
has the proper proportion of the different oils. There is also another issue,
and that is a question of Lab error. The first reading from Quest Diagnostics
was 45 (ref. <30). Another test done just 2 weeks later from a lab called
Atherotech, was 8 (ref.<10). I still decided to begin the Pauling/Rath
protocol (Incr. vit. C from 4 gm. to 8-10 gm. a day, plus 3 gm. Lysine and
500 mg. Proline per day.) Some 6 weeks later a second test from Quest showed
a slight increase to 46.1. Obviously these 3 lab reports do not make sense.
I'm about to have yet another test done through the Life Extension Foundation
which uses a third lab, Lab Corp. and we'll see what that shows. Meanwhile,
I've increased the Lysine to 5 gm. a day, but kept the Proline and Vit. C the
same. I also show a sharply elevated C-Reactive Protein. I don't know if this
is related in some way, or an entirely different issue. So far, two doctors
have nothing to say about these problems. I certainly don't like the idea of
taking drugs, but I'm considering starting on low dose Aspirin to try to get
the CRP level down. I'm also wondering about the idea that perhaps, having
gotten so strict in the last 6 months or so with Paleo eating, (well I don't
eat raw meat or bugs and slugs, but nearly all organic poultry, eggs, fish,
veggies, some nuts, low glycemic fruits), that it may take some months for my
body to clear out all the "sludge" from a former deleterious lifestyle. I cut
out grains, beans and sugar about 3 years ago, but was still sloppy with a
lot of stuff for a while- like cheating on such things as commercial sausage
and fried chicken. No more! I'm losing weight slowly but steadily- down 23
pounds in the last year, with another 40 to go.

Still, it couldn't hurt to try some hemp oil. . .

Maddy Mason
Hudson Valley, NY