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Salkin Kathleen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Salkin Kathleen <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Jan 2002 06:44:50 -0500
text/plain (56 lines)

Glad to hear of a break in the fires due to the rains.  I understand it's
very dry down there this time of the year, and you usually have fires during
the dry season, just not set by arsonists.

I hope they get everything that's coming to them, and that the local
magistrates throw the books at them.  I sincerely hope that viewing the burn
victims will shock them into awareness of their actions, but one would hope
they would also get counselling.  Pyromaniacs are sick and I doubt forcing
them to visit burn victims would alone cure them of any arsonist urgings.

Sure, I'll be happy to give you feedback on your letter if you wish.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rayna Lamb" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: What's Happening with Everyone?

> Hi Kathy!
> I'm catching up on emails, writing a stroppy letter to my local
> newspaper (more on this later - it's disability related, and I want
> some opinions on it before I send it.) And generally enjoying the
> lovely weather we are having here in Perth.
> And as far as the b/fires in Sydney goes, yes Mother Nature has given
> Sydney a break with some rain, not enough though.  Far as I can tell,
> it has completely quenched the flames in the Blue Mountains, but there
> are still places that are burning, in residential areas
> unfortunately.  But the rain was VERY welcome.  I was watching the
> news last night, and they showed the jubilation of the firefighters
> and the general population, and I had a little cry, it's been
> heart-wrenching to see this going on, with all the devastation of
> homes.
> I don't know exactly what the penaltys are going to be for the
> arsonists (I call them something else beginning with ars.....) I keep
> missing the broadcasts that refer to that, but I have heard that a
> trip to the local burns unit is perhaps going to be part of the
> punishment, to show these losers what fire does to people.
> Rayna
> On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 12:57:58PM -0500, Kathleen Salkin wrote:
>     This list is too quiet today!  What are you all up to?
>     Rayna, I've been hearing the rain has quelled the fires somewhat but
the fire officials are watching for underground fires.  And they're going to
be tough on the arsonists.  They'd bloody better be!
>                   Kat