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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jana Eagle <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 11:07:05 -0600
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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        Rebecca Fincher <[log in to unmask]> writes:

> 1.  I was reading in the archives a chain titled "pain in childbirth?" that
> interested me because of my experience with PPD (not known to be present in
> tribal cultures or most "traditional" cultures)and because I have had 2
> C-sections (intended to have a natural birth both times).  Is Ray Audette's
> wife an isolated example of paleodiet eaters who give birth quickly and w/o
> complications?  Anyone else out there?  Anyone with experience to the
> contrary? Is there any research on this available?

I can find out more about this, depending on your interest.  I do know
someone personally who had a very easy, painless birth and was
following a paleo diet.  I wish I knew of more paleo eaters and
their birth experiences.  I imagine there are so many circumstances
that affect birth that every situation is different...

> 2.  I have corresponded some with Stacie Tolen on this subject, but if there
> is anyone out there who has raised a toddler on this diet, I would
> appreciate your input.  How do you keep enough calcium in the diet?  (Both
> my kids still bf; maybe it's not a concern.)  What foods do you prepare that
> your kids like/can eat?

believe it or not, I talked to my two year old and explained that
sugar wasn't good for her body, and she doesn't ask for cookies, ice
cream, candy like i thought she would.  she will ask me if something
has sugar in it and if it does she understands that we're not going to
eat it.  everywhere we go, people are offering her sugar, though.  it
makes me realize how much candy kids really do eat

we have this little game about food that "grows on trees".  if it
grows on trees or on a plant, we eat it.  so she asks does
coconut grow on trees?  do kiwis grow on trees?  and we talk about all
the food that grows on trees.

i prepare almost all our meals at home and always pack snacks to take
along on outings.  she likes meat a lot, and goes through phases on
fruits and vegetables and nuts, where she will really like one thing
and eat a lot of it, and then a week later seems "finished" and moves
on to something else.  the freshest, in season produce seems the most
attractive.  also she likes jerky.
