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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Dianne Heins <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 12:24:03 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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At 01:51 PM 3/23/01 EST, Charles Alban wrote:
>Native paleo (that's paleo with a small p) peoples knew this very well.


Just wanted to say that one of the biggest "events" of my youth was reading
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee.  It's amazing the gut-level effect that
had...  sparked a whole realm of interests that have outlasted most
everything else I was exposed to during my teens!

>Nature religions treat every living thing as equal. The two worst things
>Judeo-Christianity has given us are  "thou shalt have dominion over every
>living thing..."   and   "they were naked and they were ashamed...." The
>first has given us carte blanche to rape and pillage the planet, and the
>second has made us ashamed of our own bodies.  Native peoples had neither of
>these philosophies. They observed that to the whiteman, nature was a
>wilderness to be tamed, but to them it was their home. Modern people are
>freighted of nature, of the outdoors.

I'd add "go forth and multiply" to that list, myself.  Ironically, all of
these are from a "borrowed" mythology!

>So what's this got to with your question? Well, It's the idea of respect for
>yourself, for your body, and for the world you live in. This is a native
>philosophy, and it is the original paleolithic philosophy that humans would
>have had from day1.
>Food has to be treated as something sacred. You are making a holy offering to
>the temple. This means that you don't over indulge, that you only eat best
>quality, and you learn to recognize what that is. You listen to what your
>body is telling you. You have to raise the sensitivity level. We get so
>dulled in modern society by too much external stimulation that we cannot feel

Just wanted to say, I share your views, fwiw...

I wonder if there is a larger than average percentage of more neo-pagan
type leanings amongst those who are particularly drawn to paleo-like diets
for reasons beyond dealing with serious illness?  As you point out, the
philosophies and the eating go nicely hand-in-hand.

>Too much sugar is our biggest problem, because it dulls the sensitivity. The

I've noticed this, too.  Years ago I eliminated sugar and white flour from
my diet for a while, then after having a single candy bar acted like I was
on speed for a while--you'd have thought I'd have learned something (young
and stupid!)...

But since I've gotten rid of that stuff again, I find things like lemons
are sweet.  OTOH, I've always prefered my teas unsullied by sugar, lemon,
cream, what-have-you...

>reason americans do not drink tea  is because they cannot taste it. Tea,
>particularly green tea, drunk from small elegant porcelain cups in the
>Chinese manner, is highly beneficial. And this is paleo, because the indians
>made teas from wild herbs, and Paleo (with a capital P) would have done the

including the porcelain? [kidding!  sorry, couldn't resist <e g>]  But I
think you're right.

>To actually eat native american foods is going to require some organization.
>To gather wild acorns and berries, and roots and wild animals and insects
>means actually going out and doing this. I am working on it!

I, too, will enjoy hearing how you fare.  Having studied a little on
medicinal herbs and wild edibles and done a bit of foraging in my time, I
find all this sort of stuff fascinating...
