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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 06:28:10 -0700
text/plain (38 lines)
> > > Name me another country, in all history, with separation
> > > of Church and State, and individual freedom and liberty,
> > > as it's central doctrines.

You changed horses in midstream, and I let it go.  I shouldn't have.  Let's
stay on track here with the original question, which was the uniqueness of
America's freedom of religion.  (Remember those four words of Anwar's?)  If
the US State Department is a good enough source for you, please see the 2000
Annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom, which states,
in part,

The vast majority of the world's governments have committed themselves to
respect religious freedom. Indeed, most have accepted one or more of the
international instruments that explicitly protect that right. For example,
144 countries are parties to the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, which acknowledges the right of every human being "to have
or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice" and "either individually or
in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion
or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching." All have pledged
"not to discriminate on the basis of religion."

> > I'm sure that if you could look into the minds of all non-Americans
> > and see their pictures of the perfect world, you'd find many of
> > those pictures to look just like yours
> Not in everybody's head Carol.

Where did I say "everybody"??  Please read it again.  What I said was

> The picture in my head is 100% a product of my American upbringing.

You can't know that, because you don't have a bunch of alternate universes
with alternate, non-American Lizas to observe.  (That you don't have such
things is an assumption on my part, but it's one I'm willing to live with.)
