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Mary Seim <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 20:57:19 -0600
text/plain (29 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I take Ultra-Lente and Humilog in the morning.  Humilog before lunch and
dinner and NPH at bedtime.  This has kept me fairly even.  I use the Humilog
on a sliding scale depending on the number of carbs I plan to eat for the
meal and whether or not I plan to exercise heavily following the meal.  You
probably will need to use a variety of insulin to keep your blood sugars
close to normal.  A snack at night of carbs helps too.  Check with your
doctor and nutritionist to get the balance you need.  Good luck.

>From: Ginny Mingolla <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 10:30:16 -0500
> About 3 times so far I
> have woken up in the middle of the night with sweats.  When I take my sugar
> it's between 50 & 60.  The first time it happened I could not get in touch
> with my doctor so I asked a friend if I handled it right.  I had gotten up
> and eaten and gone back to bed.  She told be to stay awake until it gets
> closer to normal.
> I finally got in touch with my doctor after if happened again.  He changed
> the amount of insulin I take but it did not help.  Last night I woke up
> again and it was 52.  I stayed up for about 1/2 hr and kept testing my
> sugar.  I could only get it to go to 60 but felt I ate enough to get it to
> rise.  When I woke up this morning it was 222.  So, I ate too much.
> I would like to know how others handle this.