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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
David Karas <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 23:27:37 -0800
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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 Please read my previous post. This is copied verbatim from the document sent to
me by Frank Varjas. For the record, Mr. Varjas gave permission to freely
distribute this.

 Take care,


 Stephen Alrlin Plagiarizes Dr. Bernarr's Material

 My dictionary (The American Heritage Dictionary, 1991) defines the word
"plagiarize" as 1: To steal and use (the ideas or writings of another) as one's
own. 2: To appropriate passages or ideas from and use them as one's own.
 The purpose of this document is to show Mr. Stephen Arlin's unauthorized use of
Dr. Bernarr's material. Dr. Bernarr Zovluck D.C. D.D publishes numerous
health-related articles on his website: www.healself.org.
 I recently obtained a copy of Raw Power (2nd Edition) by Mr. Stephen Arlin,
which was just published in December 2000. As I begun reading the book, I
realized that the materialcontained in the book was remarkably similar to what I
read on Dr. Bernarr's website. As I investigated this further I found that
Stephen Arlin did indeed plagiarize Dr. Bernarr's material. I then solicited the
assistance of Forest Cole who read both publications and helped identify and
document examples of Mr. Stephen Arlin's plagiarism.
 This document will show conclusively that Dr. Bernarr's article, "How to Gain
All the Healthy Weight You Want" is copied, in some cases verbatim, throughout
Stephen Arlin's Raw Power! Dr. Bernarr's article was first published in the
Natural Hygiene M2M publication in February 1, 1995 (Issue #17).
 This article is also published on Dr. Bernarr's website (www.healself.org).
 The following are just a few examples from Dr. Bernarr's article "How to Gain
All the Healthy Weight You Want" and Stephen Arlin's book Raw Power! We did not
cite all of the examples of plagiarism that we found took place in Raw Power!,
nor did we review other articles from Dr. Bernarr that may have been plagiarized
as well. Words in RED are the few words that have been changed by Mr. Stephen
 1. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Everybody can gain all the healthy weight they want, in any parts of their
bodies, that they so choose. Whether you want to weigh 100, 200, 300 pounds, you
can! If you gain just one wholesome pound per week, in one year, you will gain
52 pounds! Remember, your body weight is 50% muscle.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Anyone can gain all the strength and healthy weight they want, in any parts of
their bodies they choose. Whether you want to gain 10, 20, 30 pounds (4.5, 9,
13.5 kg), you can!If you gain just one wholesome pound per month, in one year,
you will gain 12 pounds (5.5 kg)!
Remember, your body weight is 50% muscle. (p. 14)
 2. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Look at every part of your body in the mirror, daily in the nude, to see your
defects and where you need development. Those underweight parts of your body,
are the areas on which you should gain your weight.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Look at every part of your body in the mirror, daily…where you need
development… (p. 14)
 3. Dr. Bernarr says:
 To gain weight, you must do all you can of the following: intense, progressive,
resistance exercise, be aware, eat and drink properly, avoid incorrect
overindulgence in sex, sunbathe, airbathe, maintain emotional poise, be free of
toxins, drink distilled water, fast whenever ill, sleep, meditate, and correct
 all physical, mental and spiritual dysfunctions.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 To gain….weight, you must do all you can of the following:
 3. engage in intense resistance exercises
 4. sunbathe…
 5. maintain your emotional poise
 6. be free of toxic environments
 7. only consume liquids when ill
 8. get adequate sleep
 9. meditate
 10. avoid sexual overindulgence (p. 15)
 4. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Muscles, if their growth is promoted, will provide the ground work of genuine
physical beauty.
 Muscles, the more they grow, the more beautiful they become. Bodily form, the
perfect figure, can be developed only by muscular development and proper control
of weight by sensible eating. There is no other way to achieve and develop this
desirable element of genuine physical beauty.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Muscles, as their growth is promoted, provide the ground-work for genuine
physical beauty. The more your muscles grow, the more beautiful you become.
Bodily form and the perfect figure can be developed by muscular development…and
proper control of weight by eating…sensibly. (p. 44)
 5. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Do those vigorous exercises that you feel good doing. You can exercise
anywhere. Exercise whenever you watch T.V., listen to the radio or audio tape,
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Do the vigorous exercises you feel good doing…You can exercise anywhere.
Exercise whenever you watch television, listen to the radio, or audio tapes,
etc…. (p. 44)
 6. Dr. Bernarr says:
 To gain weight and to build muscular size or strength, you must exercise and
perform that which you are not already capable of doing. You must attempt the
momentarily impossible.
Such attempts should involve maximum efforts against resistance. Do exercises
that are progressively stressful or resistant.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 To gain maximum weight and to build muscular size and strength, you must
perform exercise feats which you are not presently capable of doing. You must
attempt the momentarily impossible. Such attempts should involve maximum efforts
against resistance…Do exercises which are progressively stressful or resistant.
(p. 44)
 7. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Do exercises that are comfortable and safe, that you enjoy, that suit your
life-style, at a convenient facility or program, at a convenient time of day or
night, as long and as frequently as possible, as regularly as possible and that
you will follow throughout your life. Exercise every part of your body as
 vigorously as possible every day. Be aware of each bodily part.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Do exercises which are difficult yet safe, which you enjoy, and which suit your
lifestyle….at a convenient facility…at a convenient time of day or night, as
long and as frequently as possible, and as regularly as possible…you will follow
throughout your life. Exercise every part of your body as vigorously as
possible. Be aware of each body part. (pp. 44-45)
 8. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Exercise until the resulting fatigue is a delicious languor that woos and wins
sleep. Start exercise with an amount that is easy to perform. Advance gradually
and increase it slowly. Muscles should be contracted to their fullest extent and
joints should be carried through their full range of possible movement. Place
great demands upon your body and within reasonable limits. A short period of
 intense, vigorous exercise is better than a long period of mild exercise.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Exercise until the resulting fatigue relaxes you…Start your exercise program
with amounts of weight and repetitions which are easy to perform. Advance
gradually and increase slowly. Muscles should be contracted to their fullest
extent and joints should be carried through their full range of movement.
 Place demands on your body within reasonable limits…short periods of intense,
 vigorous…exercise…will put more muscle weight on your body than maintaining a
long period of mild exercise. (p. 45)
 9. Dr Bernarr says:
 To gain weight, do as little aerobic exercises as you can. Aerobic exercises
(with oxygen), do not put on muscle and therefore prevent you from gaining
weight. Aerobic exercise helps you gain endurance, not muscular development.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 To gain weight, do more anaerobic…exercises than aerobic..exercises…Aerobic
exercise…helps you gain endurance, not muscular development. (p. 45)
 10. Dr Bernarr says:
 Aerobic exercises are light exercises such as: long distance cycling, long
distance rowing, long distance running, long distance swimming, ballroom
dancing, tap dancing, walking, jogging,
 cross-country skiing, calisthenics, etc..
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Aerobic exercises are light exercises such as: walking, jogging, long-distance
running, dancing, long-distance swimming, long-distance cycling, cross-country
skiing, etc… (p.45)
 11. Dr. Bernarr says:
 To gain weight and develop muscles, do anaerobic exercises (not using oxygen,
without oxygen).
 Stephen Arlin says:
 To gain weight and develop muscles, do anaerobic exercises. (p. 45)
 12. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Anaerobic exercises are sprinting, running up stairs rapidly, jumping high,
long and vertically with intensity, rapid cycling, rapid rowing, rapid swimming,
weight throwing, weight lifting with low repetitions, hand balancing,
gymnastics, chins, parallel bar dips, roman rings, rope climbing, tubing, bands,
pulleys, wrestling and martial arts.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Anaerobic exercises are…lifting heavy weights, low repetition concentrated
weight-lifting, arm-wrestling, sprinting, wrestling, rope climbing, jumping,
speed cycling, sprint swimming, etc.. (pp. 45-46)
 13. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Anaerobic exercises are intense exercises that can be tolerated for only a few
moments. They are short bursts of all out activities. They are activities using
muscle groups at high intensities that exceed the body's capacity to use oxygen
to supply energy. They create an oxygen debt by using energy produced without
oxygen. They are activities in which oxygen demands of muscles are so high that
they rely upon an internal metabolic process for oxygen.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Anaerobic exercises are intense exercises which can only be tolerated for a few
moments. They are short bursts of high-energy activities. They use muscle groups
at high intensities which exceed the body's capacity to use oxygen to supply
energy. They create an oxygen debt by using energy produced without oxygen. They
are activities which demand such a great muscle explosion that the body has to
rely upon an internal metabolic process for oxygen. (p. 46)
 14. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Anaerobic exercises are: Isotonic, isokinetic, isometric and negative or
eccentric exercises.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Anaerobic exercises may be: isotonic, isokinetic, isometric, and/or negative or
"eccentric" exercises.
 (p. 47)
 15. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Isotonic exercise involves movement of a constant heavy weight through a full
range of possible movement. It is muscular action in which there is a change in
length of muscle, keeping tension constant. Lifting free weights is a classic
isotonic exercise.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Isotonic exercise involves movement of a constant heavy weight through a full
range of possible movement. It is a muscular action in which there is a change
in the length of the muscle, while the tension remains constant. The bench press
is a classic example of an isotonic exercise. (p. 47)
 16. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Isokinetic exercise is exercise in which there is ACCOMMODATION RESISTANCE and
constant speed. Nautilus is a type of isokinetic machine where the machine
varies the amount of resistance being lifted to match the force curve developed
by the muscle. Isokinetics is an exercise in which the maximum force of which
the muscle is capable may be applied throughout the range of motion.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Isokinetic exercise is exercise in which there is accommodation resistance and
constant speed.
 Nautilus is a type of isokinetic machine where the machine varies the amount of
resistance being lifted to match the force curve developed by the muscle.
Isokinetics is exercising in which the maximum force of which the muscle is
capable of is applied throughout the range of motion. (p. 47)
 17. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Isometric exercise is static contraction. It is the application of a high
percentage of your existing strength against an unmoving resistance, a fixed
limit. Isometrics entails your pushing against an immovable force, such as
another set of opposing muscles, a wall, building, door, bar, taut rope,
 towel, two-ton truck, etc.. If you push hard enough, you feel stress on your
muscles. A world famous isometric program is Charles Atlas "Dynamic Tension
Course". In isometrics, each exercise should be practiced at several joint
angles. Training at many angles distributes the strength gains throughout
 the range of the muscle's movement. In isometrics, each hard-as-you-can push or
pull should be held as long as possible, to the point of muscular failure.
Isometric exercises can be done practically anywhere. They are simple and
effective. Isometrics increase the strength and improve the muscles'
 tone and shape. Isometric exercise entails muscular contraction where the
muscle maintains a constant length and joints do not move.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 Isometric exercise involves a static contraction. It is the application of a
high percentage of your existing strength against an unmoving resistance, a
fixed limit. Isometrics entails pushing against an immovable force such as:
another set of opposing muscles, a wall, building, door, bar, taught rope,
 towel, two-ton truck, etc. If you push hard enough, you feel stress on your
muscles. In isometrics, each exercise should be practiced at several joint
angles. Training at many angles distributes the strength gains throughout the
range of the muscle's movement. In isometrics, each "all out" push or pull
should be held as long as possible, to the point of muscular failure.
Isometric exercises can be done practically anywhere. They are simple and
effective. Isometrics increase the strength and improve the muscles' tone and
shape. Isometric exercise entails muscular contraction where the muscle
maintains a constant length and the joints do not move. (p. 47)
 18. Dr. Bernarr says:
 In negative or "eccentric" exercise, you lower the weight very slowly, at a
smooth steady pace, without interrupting the downward movement. In positive or
"concentric" exercise, you raise the weight at normal speed. In negative,
exercise, your muscle is stretching and lengthening while maintaining
 tension against resistance. In positive exercise, the muscle is contracting and
shortening against resistance. In negative exercise, you resist pressure and in
positive exercise, you apply pressure.
 The muscle has the ability to handle more force during negative exercise than
it can during positive exercise.
 For example, when performing a bench press, the positive of the repetition is
that portion during which the weight is being pressed from the chest to arms
length. The negative portion of the repetition is that during which the weight
is lowered back down to the chest. In negative chins, you climb into the
 top position using your legs, so that you simply lower yourself back down.
Negative parallel bar dips can be done in the same way.
 Stephen Arlin says:
 In negative or "eccentric" exercises, you lower the weight very slowly, at a
smooth, steady pace, without interrupting the downward movement. In positive or
"concentric" exercise, you raise the weight at normal speed. In negative
exercise, your muscle is stretching and lengthening while maintaining
 tension against resistance. In positive exercise, the muscle is contracting and
shortening against resistance. In negative exercise, you resist pressure and in
positive exercise, you apply pressure.
 The muscle has the ability to handle more force during negative exercise than
it can during positive exercise. For example, when performing a bench press, the
positive part of the repetition is the portion during which the weight is being
pressed from the chest to arm's length. The negative portion of the repetition
is the part during which the weight is lowered back down to the chest. In
negative pull-ups, you climb into the top position using your legs, so that you
simply lower yourself back down. Negative parallel bar dips can be done in the
same way. (pp. 47-48)
 NOTE: In going through the rest of Dr. Bernarr's article, we will only list the
page number in Raw Power! in which Stephen Arlin's version appears.
 19. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Never eat until you are very hungry. Every cell and part of your body must be
exercised before you eat. This is for the food you eat to be properly
metabolized. Create a demand for the food every time you eat. If you put the
best food in your body when you are not hungry to eat, the food will create
 dysfunction and pathology for you.
 Do not eat when fatigued, immediately before beginning work, when in pain,
discomfort, or mental and physical distress, when in fever or when there is
severe inflammation and do not overeat.
 Do not do any of the following: overeat, eat cooked foods, eat non-vegetarian
foods, eat unnatural foods, eat artificial foods, eat adulterated foods and eat
foods with additives, chemicals and other synthetic products.
 Stephen Arlin - p. 22
 20. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Eat foods that you like and agree with you and when you need kinetic energy to
do work.
 Since everyone is different, everyone should eat differently, according to
their desires and environments. Eat only foods that satisfy your nutritive
needs, digestibility and assimilation. What is a good food for you, may or may
not be a good food for someone else.
 No cooked food is benign. Cooked food acts malignantly by exhausting your
bodily energies, inhibiting your healing and decreasing your alertness,
efficiency and productivity.
 Stephen Arlin - pp. 24-25
 21. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Raw foods improve the total inner environment. Raw food greatly enhances the
efficiency of nutrient absorption.
 Raw food enables the body to dislodge accumulated wastes from the intestinal
folds and to remove accumulated intestinal mucus.
 Stephen Arlin - p. 40
 22. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Cooked foods suppresses the immune system. The heat of cooking destroys
vitamins, enzymes, minerals, nucleic acids, chlorophyll and damages fats, making
them indigestible. The fatty matter becomes a local irritant.
 The heat disorganizes the protein structure, leading to deficiency of some of
the essential amino acids. The fibrous or woody element of food (cellulose) is
changed completely from its natural condition by cooking. When this fibrous
element is cooked, it loses its broomlike quality to sweep the alimentary canal
clean. The fibrous matter is changed from its natural state toa poison. Raw food
has the best balance of water, nutrients and fiber to meet your body's needs.
 Cooking causes the inorganic elements to enter the blood, circulate through the
system, settle in the arteries and veins and deaden the nerves. After cooking,
the body loses its flexibility, arteries lose their pliability, nerves lose the
power of conveying impressions, the spinal cord becomes hardened, the tissues
throughout the body contract and the human being becomes prematurely old. In
many cases this matter is deposited in the various joints of the body, causing
enlargement of the joints. In other cases, it accumulates as concretions in one
or more of the internal organs, finally accumulating around the heart valves.
 Raw foods are easily digested, requiring only 24-36 hours for transit time
through the digestive tract, as compared to 40-100 hours for cooked foods. This
increases the threat of putrefaction and disease.
 Stephen Arlin - pp. 25-26
 23. Dr. Bernarr says:
 When you eat cooked carbohydrates, proteins and fats, you are eating numerous
mutagenic (carcinogenic) products caused by cooking.
 Stephen Arlin - p. 24
 24. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Dr. Karl Elmer experimented with top athletes in Germany, producing improvement
in their performance by changing to a purely raw food diet. Raw food provides
you with more strength, energy and stamina. On raw foods, the mind (memory and
power of concentration) will be clearer. You will be more alert, think sharper
and more logically. Raw foods will not leave you with a tired feeling after the
 meal. There is a tendency towards sleepiness after a cooked meal. Raw foods
require less total sleep and achieve a more restful sleep.
 Stephen Arlin - pp. 26-27
 25. Dr. Bernarr says:
 When we treat food with thermal fire, we lose up to 97% of the water soluble
vitamins (Vitamins B and C) and up to 40 percent of the lipid soluble vitamins
(Vitamins A,D,E and K).
We need only one-half the amount of protein in the diet if raw protein foods are
eaten rather than protein foods which are cooked. Heating also changes the
lipids. These changed fats are incorporated into the cell wall and interfere
with the respiration of the cell, causing an increase in cancer and heart
 After eating cooked foods, the blood immediately shows an enormous increase of
leukocytes or white blood cells-corpuscles. The white blood cells are a first
line of defense and are, collectively, popularly called "the immune system."
This spontaneous multiplication of white corpuscles always takes place in normal
blood immediately after the introduction of any virulent infection or poison
into the body since the white corpuscles are the fighting organisms of the
blood. There is no multiplication of white corpuscles when uncooked food is
eaten. The constant daily fight against the toxic effects of cooked food
unnecessarily exhausts the body's strength and vitality, thus causing disease
and the modern shortness of life.
 Stephen Arlin - p. 25
 26. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Cooked foods quickly ferment and putrefy in the intestinal tract. On a raw food
diet you will experience the elimination of body odor and halitosis. Cooked food
causes allergies.
 Stephen Arlin - p. 26
 27. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Raw foods are delectable and have more flavor than cooked foods. There is no
need to jazz up its flatness with unhealthful additives. These flavor enhancing
additives can irritate your digestive system or over stimulate other organs.
Avoid these harmful additives: sugar, salt, pepper, spices, condiments, ketchup,
mayonnaise, butter, creams, dressings and toppings. Nature clearly demonstrates
in the eating habits of every form of life, the basic principles of nutrition.
 Animals in their feeding, obtain a balanced intake of basic food components so
that the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins to each
other, is basically the same.
 The plant is the basis of all animal life, all animals deriving their food
either directly or indirectly from plants. Eat raw, fresh organic fruits and
vegetables to supply the requisite vitamins and minerals.
 Eating these will minimize digestive stress and conserve body energy. A minimum
of digestive power should be expended in order to obtain a maximum of
nutritional return. Eat only those foods which you can most readily digest and
 Stephen Arlin - pp. 27-28
 28. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Humans are a class of animals that are frugivores or fruitarians i.e. fruit
eaters. Practically all frugivores include green vegetables in their diet.
Chlorophyll foods are the basic stuff of life. The chlorophyllous green, leafy
vegetables are the richest sources of alkaline mineral salts, vitamins,
 carbohydrates and the highest quality proteins. Chlorophyll foods are the basic
stuff of life. The most marvelous chemical laboratory resides in the green leaf.
 The leaves contain an excess of bases, (alkaline salts). The outer, greener
leaves and stalks of the green vegetables are superior to their white, inner
leaves and stalks. Animals and birds prefer young tender grasses, herbs and
seeds to the older forms of plant life. Young vegetables are better than old
 vegetables. old vegetables are acid formers.
 Eat at least one large salad daily. Romaine lettuce is the most superior green
leaf vegetable nutritionally and palatably. The key foods in the making of a
salad are the chlorophyll rich romaine lettuce and celery. The vegetables next
in importance are cucumbers, red peppers and tomatoes.
 Other vegetables that many have enjoyed in salads that are healthful, are okra,
young string beans, fresh peas, tender summer squash, and occasionally, endive
and dandelions, when small and tender.
 Stephen Arlin - p. 29
 29. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Protein is building material. Adequate proteins are required to gain desirable
weight. Proteins are built up of simpler substances called amino acids. Of the
22 necessary amino acids, there are eight that our bodies cannot make but must
get from outside sources. All of these eight must be present simultaneously. All
of these eight must be present in the right proportions.
 Stephen Arlin - pp. 31-32
 30. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Maintain emotional stability. Correct your worries, fears, griefs, anxieties,
jealousies, stresses, frustrations, nervousness, neurosis, psychosis,
depression, phobias and compulsions. Negative emotions drain your energies and
cause loss of weight. Incorrect overindulgence in sex with resultant loss of
nutrients in men's and women's ejaculations, causes loss of weight.
 With ejaculation, nutrients designed for other vital organs, are sidetracked
into the production of reproductive material . This depletion results in
insufficient nutrients being supplied to the various biological systems and
vital organs. Prize fighters, racehorses and other athletes who want to win,
 abstain from sex before a contest.
 Stephen Arlin - p. 203
 31. Dr. Bernarr says:
 Sunbathe and airbathe in the nude, each bodily part, daily. Sunlight and fresh
air aid the nutritive processes of the body. They increase the blood supply to
the muscles. They help develop larger and stronger muscles. They help gain
 Stephen Arlin - p. 50
 Interestingly enough, Mr. Arlin did mention Dr. Bernarr on p. 80 in answer to a
question of who were some of the largest male rawfood bodybuilders. Below is
from Raw Power!
 Q. What are the dimensions of the largest male raw body builders you know?
 A. I'm 6'2", 225 lbs., Bernarr Zovluck is 5'10", 220 lbs., and Scott Brodie is
5'11", 205 lbs…

 We do not like when someone copies another person's work and does not give
credit where credit is due - this is our motivation for seeking to expose this.
 To quote out of Stephen Arlin's book, Natures First Law, "Real eyes realize
real lies"

 Frank Varjas and Forest Cole
 February 19, 2001