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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 12:31:44 EST
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Sunday, February 11, 2001, 1-7 PM in Los Angeles, California, (Fairfax Area),
These Health Lectures-Discussions are held every month, all through the year.
Some interesting subjects you will learn at these health lectures-discussions
How to heal oneself of any problem, whether it be physical, mental and/or
How to look better, feel better and function better; How to eat properly;
How to water fast properly without any danger & without any supervision;
How to meditate in the best possible way; How to think correctly; How to
How to live properly; How to have proper spirituality; How to develop
How to love & forgive yourself & all living beings; How to combine foods
How to exercise correctly; How to gain and/or lose weight permanently;
How to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and/or taking drugs permanently; etc.
Bring your favorite raw, unprocessed foods, whether they be
V E G A N ONLY 1- 4 PM fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, juices, etc.
ANYTHING RAW 4-7 PM fruits, vegetables, nuts, juices, eggs, dairy, fish,
meat, etc.,
to share with others who are at the FREE HEALTH LECTURE-DISCUSSION
To heal yourself, see our website NOW, http://www.HealSelf.org
Come to 7858 Willoughby Ave., thru garden gate, on ground floor, Los Angeles,
(S.E. corner of Fairfax Ave., between Melrose Ave. & Santa Monica Blvd.)
RSVP (323) 653-6314; (323) 852-0403 or RSVP, E-mail: [log in to unmask]

                                           A NEW, BETTER WAY TO MEDITATE
                                           By Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.

I have personally studied for many years, every well known method of
meditation. I have improved on all of these well known methods of meditation.
I have evolved the most successful method of meditation known to modern
civilization. It always guarantees to give all human beings, optimum results.
I have taught this method of meditation to many thousands of people. It is
simple, most effective and everyone can learn to do it satisfactorily. Try it
and you will prove to yourself that it always works!

Meditation is listening to the God within, the inherent intelligence. The God
within is always talking to you, not with words, but with communicating with
you via "feelings" throughout your body. Prayer is becoming silent, going
within, aligning with and acknowledging God as All-in-All. Meditation and
prayer are 2 steps with the same ultimate goal, communion with the God
within. You are an expression of the image and likeness of the God within.
You are whole and perfect. As you are already perfect, all you need do is to
commune with the God within, become aware of that perfection and become
healed. The purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness. You do so by
developing and evolving to become the ultimate beautiful, perfect God whom
you really are. You best accomplish such, by every moment of your life, you
should be meditating in self-discovery and self-improvement. Never do
anything that does not improve you.

All living beings in the wild, plants, animal and humans, instinctively are
in meditation and communion with the God within. All civilized human beings
should relearn that they should constantly have their eyes closed, to be in
constant meditation and communion with the God within. They should open their
eyes only to satisfy their immediate necessary biological needs. Civilized
men and women unfortunately have improperly learned to be self-destructive
because every moment of their lives, they are pursuing unnecessary
self-imposed socioeconomic needs.

To meditate, you should close your eyes and keep your eyes constantly closed.
You should concentrate, feel, focus your thoughts on, pay attention to, be
still and simultaneously let go.  Let go and let the God within take over.
You are but a passenger on the train of life, not the conductor. The God
within you always knows what to do. It always has done the right thing. It
always does the right thing. It always will do the right thing. It has been
doing so, infinitely, as long as the universe has existed. It has already
been built into every cell of the living body. It has already been built into
the DNA, the genes and the chromosomes.

With your eyes closed, you can do all the concentration you want, because
with your eyes closed, you are at-one with the very source of your being, the
God within. To meditate, place your body in, and keep your body in, a
comfortable position. Close your eyes, keep your eyes closed and keep your
body inactive. Go into every part of your body and feel and think on whatever
disconcerting sensations your body is producing, as intensely as you can.
Keep concentrating and keep your mind on whatever symptoms you feel till they
completely disappear. You may think that it feels like it is getting worse
and that it will last forever. You will learn to realize that those are just
irrational thoughts. Just experience it and you will learn to relate
differently to your symptoms. Concentrate on your symptoms whether they be
physical, mental and/or spiritual.

The God within is always talking to you. To meditate, feel, concentrate and
think on, whatever the God within is telling you, in the form of feeling
sensations. If when you close your eyes, you daydream or sleep, i.e., your
mind is wandering, then keep daydreaming or sleeping, until your mind becomes
still. Whether this takes seconds, minutes, hours or days, daydream or sleep
all you need, before you begin your meditating.

When your eyes are closed and your mind is still, then you are meditating.
You do not need a guru, teacher, guide, mantra or any esoteric ritual, to
meditate. You can properly meditate, just by closing your eyes and "feeling"
while your mind is still. Meditation done properly, is the best method of
helping you heal yourself. You just close your eyes and keep your eyes
closed, till you have achieved your goal in whatever part of your body, that
you so choose.
Come to our lectures-discussions, and you will learn how to do feeling
If you have any problems learning to do feeling meditation, contact me NOW. I
will teach you how to always successfully and properly do feeling meditation.
Thus, you will always achieve optimum results and you will always be able
help heal all your physical, mental and spiritual problems. Become a winner,
in all fields of endeavor, by doing feeling meditation. Read the P.S. below
and you will find a list of problems that you can successfully heal by
feeling meditation.

Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.,                    God Healing, Inc.,
            POB 46832, Los Angeles, California  90046, USA,
Telephone: 323-653-6314; 323-852-0403
E-mail: [log in to unmask]                                       Web site:

P.S. A partial list of the problems in alphabetical order, that you can heal
completely and permanently by this feeling meditation, are symptoms involving
the following:
ABDOMEN-pain, rigidity, tenderness, swelling, hernia, tumor, drooling,
swallowing, gagging,  hiccups, belching, burping, gas, flatulence, heartburn,
bowel sounds, bad breath, bloating, distention, uncomfortable fullness after
meal, nausea, vomiting, parasites, worms, appetite loss, decreased
salivation, increased salivation, always thirsty, always hungry, overeating,
craving and ingestion of inedible substances, salt craving, taste
abnormalities, anorexia, bulimia, digestive trouble, constipation, diarrhea,
lack of bowel control, fecal incontinence, defecation, abnormal looking
feces, rectum, anus;
ADDICTION-alcohol, drugs, smoking, food craving, sex, gambling, bad habit;
BACK-pain, rigidity, spasm, spine, neck, hip, flank, spinal curvature,
postural problem;
BITE-by dog, cat, wild animal, spider, snake, poisonous animal;
BLEEDING-blood in stool and/or urine, bleeding in nose, gums, ears, skin,
abdomen, rectum,  nipple, vomiting blood, spitting blood, coughing blood,
ejaculating blood, cut, wound;
EAR-pain, drainage, ringing, buzzing and noise in ear, deafness;
EXTREMITY-pain, spasm, swelling of shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist,
finger, thigh, knee, lower leg, ankle, foot, toe;
EYE-eyeball bulging, backward displacement of eye, discharge, tearing
increase, swelling, pain, dryness, itching, inflammation, redness, bloodshot,
aging, eyelid drooping, night blindness, abnormal sensitivity to light,
seeing spots, blurring, halos, double vision, loss of vision, visual
blurring, visual floaters, vision problems;
FACE-pain, spasm of jaw, lockjaw, mouth-sore, tingling & dry, tooth, gum,
tongue, nose-stuffy or runny, abnormal dilatation of nostrils, nasal
obstruction, absence of smell, sinus, head, hair;
FRACTURE-noise made by rubbing together ends of fractured bones, arm, leg,
neck, back;
GLANDS-thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas (diabetes), pituitary,
placenta, ovary, testes;
HEART-pain, spasm, slow heart rate, palpitation, irregular heartbeat, absent,
irregular or weak pulse, murmur, abnormal heart sounds,  jugular vein
distention, clubbing of fingers; blood pressure problems;
KIDNEY-painful urination, deficient urination, excessive urination, urinary
incontinence, bladder distention, bed wetting, urethral discharge, difficulty
starting a urinary stream, urinary urgency, urine-abnormal color, urination
at night;
MEMORY-intelligence, amnesia, memory problem, inability to concentrate;
MEN-pain and/or swelling in penis, testicle, groin, genitalia lesions,
scrotal swelling, painful erection, impotence, pain during sex, premature
ejaculation, inability to control ejaculation, prostate problems;
MENTAL-emotional & behavioral problem, nervousness, agitation, anxiety,
confusion, people acting "funny", violent behavior, depression, suicidal
thoughts, excessive crying, phobia, delusion, hallucination, poor self image,
NEUROLOGICAL-numbness, tingling, tremor, trembling, twitching, seizure,
convulsion, tic, vertigo, dizziness, abnormal movements of the head and body,
muscle spasm, muscular rigidity, jerking movements, abnormal gait, loss of
facial expression, aura,  reflex problems, absence of sensitivity to pain,
footdrop, wristdrop, paralysis of face, body, arms and legs;
RESPIRATORY-pain, breathing difficulty, fast respiration, abnormal breathing
noises,  irregular breathing, cold, chills, sinus, postnasal drip, nasal
discharge, bacteria, virus, dysfunction and/or tumor of throat, trachea,
bronchus, lungs, cough, sneezing, wheezing, hiccough, hoarseness, voice loss,
SKIN-itching, burning, fever, eruption, rash, scales, bumps, fungus, spots,
hives, wrinkle, flabbiness, pallor, skin discoloration, decrease in skin
pigmentation, clammy skin, bruise, premature aging, hair loss, excessive
growth of body hair in women, jaundice,  blushing, cold and/or heat
intolerance, finger and/or toenail trouble, sweating problem;
SPEAKING-difficulty, poorly articulated speech, abnormal speaking sounds,
SWELLING-in tongue, gum, face, arm, ends of fingers, leg, ankle, belly, lymph
TUMOR-neck, armpit, breast, stomach, lung, uterus, ovary, groin, testicle,
prostate, rectum;
VITALITY-tiredness, fatigue, burnout, enervation, prostration, weakness, lack
of muscle tone, inability to develop muscle tone, muscle atrophy, muscle
spasm, lethargy, stupor, restlessness, fainting, sleepiness, insomnia;
WEIGHT-overweight; underweight, inability to gain weight, excessive weight
gain, excessive weight loss;
WOMEN-menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia,
infrequent menstrual bleeding, late menstruation, menopause, postmenopausal
vaginal bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, vaginal and/or
vulvar pain, pain during sex, vulvar lesions, pregnancy problem, morning
sickness, miscarriage tendency, breast problems-dimpling, nodule, pain, lump,
tumor, ulcer, enlargement, reduction, breast skin thickening and pitting,
nipple retraction or discharge;
If you like what we write, please tell others. Please help us NOW to help
everyone. Everyone needs to learn how to heal themselves, their animals,
their environment and their plants. It costs us money to reach them and
educate them. We can successfully do this only by your donations. The
government does not give us any money to do this. We are a nonprofit
charitable organization. We are IRS tax exempt. Please send us NOW a fully
income tax deductible donation. Thank you.