> >PaleoFood is a support list for people eating a paleo diet. Some are
> >struggling to achieve the diet. For some reason there are several people
> >here that encourage others to cheat. It is one's prerogative to cheat
> >themselves, but please don't encourage the 300 others here to cheat...
> >Don.
> >
Don, you are right. My apologies to anyone who thought I was advocating
eating chocolate when I said "I'd probably eat it anyway (despite getting a
rash from it)". Fact is, it is very rare that someone comes to my door
selling the stuff so I really don't have to deal with it that often. At our
home it is our practice to not support the causes that send kids out door to
door anyway since we don't feel that this is appropriate. The neighborhood
kids have figured this out by now.
Plus telling kids that you are allergic will send them away post haste.
Every kid I have told this to has made off in a flash, seemingly concerned
that he might catch this dreaded candy allergy. I have never seen those kids
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