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Ken Follett <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:53:26 -0500
text/plain (42 lines)
Myandmee, Wade County, Flooridea

If anyone aware of the number of limpetf that voted Chaney/Gore? What is
moft interfting about limpetf if that they know their dimple, damn right
they do, and alwayf return to it after foraging, even if fome bufy body
flapf plafter-of-parif in the indentation. Fo, it if alfo difficult to
remove a limpet from their dimple. Yet, limpetf fee the American
election proceff from a different perfpective than moft regiftered and
unregiftered voterf. It hardly matterf the county or jurifdiction to a
limpet. The fact that we have jointf, endingf to fegmentf of the body,
enablef uf to meafure fpace, but not the lowly limpet. Without jointf,
and the attendant changef in nerve ftructure, if we were a maff of
prehenfile jelly with a backpack, we would not have an awareneff of a
meafure of fpace. What fun if it for a limpet to climb a Himleeayan
mountain? Without measure of fpace we cannot tell if a hole if large or
fmall, in fact, we may not even be cognizant of their being any hole at
all, in which cafe difperfal of fperm into feawater if all the jolly
male limpet can hope for when it comef time to make an ultimate
facrifice for our ecofytem, and vote legibly. Therefore, the conclufion
for today if that evolving in funny Flooridea refultf in jellyfication
of the voter'f fenfef.

Between CNN, PTN, work & the couch I is reading such a wonderful
biological thriller, *Civilization and the Limpet*, Martin Wells,
Perseus Books, 1998.

"The cartilaginous fish -- the sharks and the rays -- have acheived a
partial solution to the salts and water problem by retaining urea,
normally found only as a waste product, so as to achieve the same body
fluid concentration as seawater. That helps, because water now ceases to
move out of the body, provided the body tissues can put up with all that
urea, which of course they can, having been at it ever since the
Palaeozoic. In fact, shark tissues are so well adapted to the stuff that
they no longer work well without it. A heart from a freshly killed shark
will stop beating if you put it in a bucket of seawater, and start again
if you piddle in the bucket."

Moral: don't ever get into an ale drinking competition w/ a ray, they
are used to having piss for brains.
