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david west <[log in to unmask]>
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"Two Pinheads, three opinions." -- LK
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 18:10:17 +1000
text/plain (72 lines)

> Better you should sleep.

Given that now I actually have to choose between "A
Prairie Home Companion" or "Australia All Over" - a 4
hour weekly radio program broadcast by our ABC (the
government funded national broadcaster), I think it's
amazing I might choose APHC.  AAO is a collation of
all the things that Australians like to think make
them special.

It's people phoning in from remote settlements to tell
Macca (the host) about the rain last night, or the
local show that afternoon, or the gathering of the

It's people reading poetry, either theirs, or their
father/mother/grandfather/aunt's (take your pick).

It's anecdotes, or stories or letters.

And it's songs, of the folk variety.

From the ABC's website: "The host, Ian McNamara
(Macca) loves speaking with Australians from all walks
of life and relishes the chance to travel the country
with Australia All Over. The program is an eclectic
mix of music, poetry, anecdotes, book readings and
talkback; all delivered in Macca's trademark,
off-the-cuff style. Every Sunday morning, some 2
million listeners from every corner of Australia tune
in for their weekly dose of Australia."

And I've just discovered that it too is audio netcast.

Let me know if anybody wants to experience 'Macca on a
Sunday morning' - broadcasting from 0530-1000 EST
(Sydney time) each Sunday - which I think is
3.30-8.00pm Saturday in New York - and I'll post the
website address.

With choices like that how could anybody sleep?

One of the memories that stay with me was waking up
one New Years' Day (1989 I think) at around 9am, and
lying dozing in bed with Macca on the radio.  At
around 9.45, a voice came on that I recognised:
"G'day Macca, this is Joc Schmiechen calling from
Casey Station in Antarctica"
A fifteen minute conversation ensued between my
friend, Joc - then station leader at one of
Australia's Antarctic research stations - and Macca.

Anyway, life is too short to sleep more than just
enough. And these days, that is 6 hours per night
during the week, and 7 hours if I am lucky on the



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