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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Sueko Sakai <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 12:58:23 -1000
TEXT/PLAIN (136 lines)
john dewey said we need to recover philosophy such that when it ceases to
be a device for dealing with the problems of philosophers and becomes a
method, cultivated by philosophers, for dealing with the problems of men,
philosophy recovers itself.

in a similar manner ronald pine and others are saying the philosopher of
science needs to engage the public sector to examine some of the
assumptions scientiests are incorporating into their scientific research.

the point of this post is that i was wondering how this was to be done,
then it came to me.  of course! f. leon wilson is showing us how to do it.

thanks much f. leon

please call me ke'iko (kay-ko) i'm sipiritually evolving.


On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, F. Leon Wilson wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Tony Abdo wrote:
> > This Gramsci vs. Tocquevlle theory has got to be the most idiotic and
> > pretentious explanation of the basic US division I have ever heard of.
> You have to explain more than this.
> Put some detail in this . . .
> > Anybody that looks at the electoral map of states won by the 2
> > imperialist candidates can clearly find where the fault lines are. And
> > they are both regional and metropolitan in character.
> >
> Electoral map?
> Who drew these maps?
> Have you been engulfed in the propaganda generated by this system?
> Be careful of the politics of language and semantics.
> > The basic division in the US continues to be North and Pacific Coast
> > states vs. Rural West and South.  Intermixed, is still another
> > division.... Rural and Suburbs vs. Major Metropolitan Areas.  As a
> > whole, suburbs are for Whites, not Blacks or Browns.
> >
> What are you manufacturing here?
> Is the bottom line of what you are saying based on race and the
> geo-political lines created by racism?
> > It is just as suicidal today as it was pre-Civil War era, to allow
> > racism and backward leaning culture in one region to fester
> > unchallenged.
> What group of people practice racism?
> Is it racism or white supremacy that must be challenged?
> I don't know what you are saying here.
> > And that is what has been done in the US for 125 years post
> > Reconstruction Era, with the lone exception of the brief Civil Rights
> > struggles during the '60s.
> >
> What came of that so-called "Civil Rights struggle?"
> > Add to this, the unchallenged construction of the US suburbia by the
> > Right, post World War Two.      The capture by outright fraud of one
> > presidency is just a cherry on the cake.
> Has there ever been a correct and just election in the United States?
> > The US Left lives today, in cultural enclaves inside a few cities and
> > a few university areas, and even only inside a few isolated unions.
> >
> Really?
> Waht are these "cultural enclaves?"
> > The Left will have to reconstruct an evangelical movement similar to the
> > Civil Rights Movement and the effort to form unions.     And it will
> > have to take the fight into the heartland of where the Right reigns
> > supreme..... the 'Sunbelt' and Western States.     Instead of adapting
> > and trying to be 'bumpkin' as proposed by the DLC, the Left has to
> > embarass the South, by showing it up for the 'bumpkin' culture it is.
> > Luckily, we now have the Beverly Hillbillies in office.      The enemy
> > is not exactly in disguise.
> >
> And the goal of all of this would be what?
> Would it end white supremacy?
> Would the cultural wars end?
> > People from Alabama, Texas, Arizona, and the South as a whole, are
> > pretty thick headed.
> What do you mean by this?
> You paint with a very broad brush . . .
> > So a subtle message of apologetic confrontation will not change hearts
> > and minds.  Add the elitest, meatheaded delusionism of the better-off
> > suburbanites into the equation, and only a militant effort from
> > city-goers to regain control of federal and state monies will suffice.
> >
> > The Left has been in full scale retreat in the cultural wars, ever since
> > they allowed the sickeningly sweet Jimmy Carter to take over post Nixon.
> > Ridicule will bring this current crew down, not accomodation.   The Left
> > lost the war to embarrass the Reagan team, which led to a 'lost
> > generation'.    Lose the culture war again, and we might lose the planet
> > with it.
> >
> > Tony Abdo
> Tony I am lost with what you are saying.
> Please break it dowwn for me . . .
> F. Leon