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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 09:38:25 -0600
Text/Plain (55 lines)
I hope that people took the time to read the article by Terry Teachout
in the current issue of ..Commentary.. that Michael directed us to.
It is a worthwhile read.       Where lies the cultural divide?

I stressed the regional component... along with the  older big city vs.
suburb aspect.     Many others, such as the Workers World/ international
Action Center, plus the Congresssioanl Black Caucus, have stressed the
racial/ racism element involved.

One could even focus attention on differences in child raising, and how
the two camps view 'The Poor'.      The Right considers 'The Poor' to be
delinquent children spoiled by 'liberalism'.     And the 'liberals' see
'The Poor' as chidren that have been abused by to much out of control

I would contend that Race, Class, Region, and Religion are all elements
in the counter-positions of the Cultural War.     They are all elements
that overlap and compound.     The key modern component that
superimposes itself over the older regional North/ South barricades is
the Kar Kulture.     The car has become the key arm used by The Right
against the traditional strongholds of The Left, the big manufacturing
centers of the past.     The car created the highway that then created
the suburb, now the new stronghold of The Right.

Ohio is a good example of this.     Liberals and Leftists think of Ohio
as being Cleveland and a group of smaller sized cities.      But Ohio is
in reality a gigantic spotting of suburbs and slurbs.     Bush won the
state in these areas, areas where Ronald McDonald playgrounds provide
the recreational areas for small children, and culture is a Blockbuster
rental.      Shopping Walmart is replacing Bingo and church.

One can see the counter enclaves of the 2 sides.      Austin, Texas is a
Northern enclave in Texas.     And it is seen in that light by The
Right.     Suburbs of Dayton, Akron, Indianapolis...... and even those
surrounding Wash, DC and NYC are cancerous Southern Cultural enclaves,
that are incorporate the style of areas like Jacksonville,

What I am saying (as is Commentary) is nothing revolutionary or new.
It is just that the election highlighted it for all to see and think
about.      And liberals and Leftists as a whole don't want to think
about it.      An example is how the Labor Movement has just put off
totally,  the idea of trying to organize Texas!      Maybe my state will
just drop off the face of the map?!

Any war where one side timidly only is willing to engage in the
defensive action, is a war in the process of being lost by that very
same side.     Has the US Left become a sad reflection of Al Gore?
Hell no, Al won't fight!     The Republicans trumped 'triangulation'!
Haven't the US unions been trying to 'triangulate' their survival?

It won't work.
