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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Kebba Jobe <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 10:49:38 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (71 lines)

Thanks for the welcome and the maturity shown in your post. By the way I
don't know how my named got changed to Daddy Nying. I guess the list
managers know my wife's surname is Nying. Anyway my name is Kebba Jobe.

You see, the point I am trying to make here is not to defend the
government's every act or ommission but to highlight some RECENT POSSITIVE
DEVELOPMENTS. That this regime's human rights record is abbysmal is to put
it mildly. However, recently there has been a significant improvement. As
far as I know, I haven't heard of any abitrary arrest, harrasment of
journalists or anybody for that matter, since the incarseration of Dumo
Saho and Co. This, I think it is a step in the right direction
 and should
be welcomed. I may appear to be defending the regime's human rights record
but AM NOT. I am just trying to explain the situation in the country from a
different perspective. If Ebrima's source has any evidence to the contrary
I would like to be informed.

You asked "How can one conclusively say that governance has improved
because of a recently started Radio One FM broadcast show"?. If you belief
in the power of the media particularly the radio, you wil see the
significance of this. The fact that the opposition have access to a private
radio where they can publicly question the wisdom or lack of it of the way
government does certain things and the public calling to ask how they (the
oppositio) would have handled such situations if they were in government,
can be effective in allaying some people's concern that the UDP, for
example, are just of a bunch of angry people

ON EDUCATION, you don't seem to appreciate the fact that the building of
schools is almost as important as recruiting qualified teachers. One has to
start somewhere. If the previous government had built schools or trained
qualified teachers and provide a condusive environment to retain them, then
this government's task would have been much easiar. You do not also seem to
see any corrolation between the number of people graduating each year from
the Gambia university, the Gambia college, the 480 computers and servers
being bought for the schools and its possible impact on education.

ON HEALTH, you again seem to suggest that it is a waste of resources to
build the numerous clinics and hospitals simply because there aren't many
quallified docters, equipment or sufficient medicines. The justification
again should be apparent. If you have the docters, equipment and medicine
but you don't have any hospita
ls or clinics, how are you going to attend to
the sick? Honestly I neither think that these clinics and hospitals being
built are a waste of resources nor white elephat projects. I am also of the
opinion that your assumption that the Cuban doctors serving our sick people
are "less qualified" is wrong. They are doing a great job for our country
and people.

ON THE FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY, I am very surprised that you cannot see the
link between food self suffiency and the role of mechanised farming. I am
sure you will agree with me when I say that the number of hectres that a
single tractor can plough in a day cannot be matched by one hundred farmers
using our tradional farming implements.

With regards to the Fishery plant projects, how can you remotely suggest
that they are a waste of money? If we don't start by building these plants
now so that we can derive more from our abundant fish resources then God


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