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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
"Martin W. Smith" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 08:32:47 +0100
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
"D. Simmons" wrote:
> It's been days and not a peep out of the chomskyite faction concerning the
> treatment of an American Jew held prisoner by the Islamic 'Freedom Fighters'
> of Pakistan. No demands for the Red Cross (or even the Green Crescent) to be
> allowed a visit? Oops! That's right, they would only have a bodiless head to
> speak to! That wouldn't do.:-)

Who are you talking about?  I haven't heard anything about an American
Jew being held prisoner.  Why did you tell us this person is a Jew, and
an American, instead of telling us the person's name?  What difference
does it make to you that a prisoner is Jewish or American?  After all
we've written here, why would you still think Americanness and
Jewishness would matter to us?  Can you tell us more about this person?
The only prisoner I have heard about in the news is Daniel Pearl.  He's
dead.  I assume he was American, but I don't know if he was Jewish. But
he had the weight of the State Department, the CIA, the WSJ, CNN, the
Pakistan police and who knows what other institutions working on his
behalf, so I don't know what more we could have done.

>   Oh well, I guess we have to keep in mind that these 'Freedom Fighters' have
> legitimate grievances against the imperialist forces of evil descending upon
> their peaceable kingdom.

I don't think anyone referred to these people as freedom fighters,
although since Ronald Reagan and George Bush used the that label to
refer to the terrorists in Nicaragua, I suppose we must concede your use
of it use here.  IT still seems obscene to refer to killing civilians as
freedom fighting though.  Nevertheless, Pakistan isn't a kingdom,
although it does have a dictator at the moment, whom the US is
supporting with big dollars and arms shipments.  But some of those arms
shipments are just the fighter jets we sold to the previous, corrupt
regime that the current dictator overthrew.  I suppose he's a nice guy.
He seems ok.  But, lest we forget...

A dictator's a dictator
No matter how small
A dictator's a dictator
After all.  -- Horton T. Elephant

Maybe he will allow the people to vote soon.  I hope your message isn't
meant to imply that anyone here advocates terrorism against the US.
That would mean we really aren't communicating.


Martin Smith               email: [log in to unmask]
Vollsveien 9               tel. : +47 6783 1188
P.O. Box 482               mob. : +47 932 48 303
1327 Lysaker, Norway