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Sat, 17 Feb 2001 23:43:36 -0500
text/plain (55 lines)

Few buttons of mine left to push, Mike.  That's part of the problem.
And less satisfaction with what's left.

Unlike most I never got the handle on the sex-commitment thing.  Most of
the women in my life--bless them--got lots of the former too little of
the latter.  Some got love and still not me.

As for the baby...that's for another telling...some day...maybe.   I
wanted to make a point or several and get some of the tough stuff out,
whiole I was thinking of it, and on the record.  I'm not ashamed of who
I am and what I've done; though at times regretful for what didn't work
out, life's are opportunities missed.  The older I get the more I mourn.

Paige is a special person, Mike.  I want the best for her.  She more
deserves gentle hugs than pushes.

Good to chat, man.


>From: "Michael H. Collis" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Yeah...But
>Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 23:16:12 -0500
>Oh, I know, Steve.. I was just pushing yours and Paige's buttons,
trying to
>make something happen. I didn't mean for you to spill your guts out,
>however.  I've never had a "redezvous," hoewver, and am not the pushy
>type.   I've had a few chances however, but never made good on them. I
>think I could look myself in the mirror if I had done it without some
>commitment on my part.
>ISM wrote:
> > Mike,
> >
> > I've never riled Paige yet.  Your interpretations.  Not my
> > Or Paige's responses, as I read them.  Just me pushing the wrong
> > in the night.
> >
> > Of pushing in the night: Made only one baby out of wedlock in all
> > great f***ing f***ed up years--aborted, of course!--and now I can't
> > On-List from Off.  I care when others do, sometimes when they don't.
> > But I can't undo my mistakes.
> >
> > S