On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 15:31:32 +0100, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois_Dovat?=
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> F : (...) The generaly accepted
>> range in the litterature for the mastering (F : sorry, mastery!)of the
>fire is between 500 000
>> and 350 000 years ago .
>K : If that is generally accepted by instinctos then the theory crumbles.
>> 25,000 generations away from an all-raw dietary does not make instincto
>> original food, especially since fully modern humans are much more recent
>> than that. But OK...
>F : Burger ever spoke of about 400000 ans in his seminars, and it is also
>writen in his book ( I lend it to a friend, so I'm unable to c
heck right
I clearly remember that he mentioned 10,000 years in his book.
Whatever, even if fully modern humans (120,000 years) are more recent than
the widespread use of cooking (100,000-400,000 years?), it does not prove
that cooking is OK... and it does not mean it is not either. This is an
endless debate.
>F > 450 000 years ago appeared the first known human disease, "pyorrhee
>> > alveolaire"(in French), followed by malaria, "meningiome", syphilis and
>> > then "actinomycose" 35000 years ago.
I suppose many diseases do not leave marks in skeletal remains. How can you
be sure that humans didn't have flus 2000000 years ago? :-)
>F : You are wildly conjuncturing. I did read on BV website that cooked meat
>rot while raw meat gets gamy.
I suppose that cooked meat is safe (with respect to germs) if eaten
after cooking and that raw meat is safe if preserved in proper conditions
(of temperature, humidity...)
P.S. I am quite busy working in my apartment these days, so I can't
participate to the list very actively.