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Yvonne Craig <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Fri, 5 Jan 2001 10:21:21 -0500
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In a message dated 12/30/00 1:49:33 AM, [log in to unmask] writes:

<< Everybody's either too busy or too depressed to write. >>

Hello to all!

I guess I fall into BOTH categories, LOL. Just caught up with reading all my e-mail after the holidays. Whew!!

First of all I want to wish everyone Love, Health, Happiness and Peace in 2001. 

The past month has been so hectic. First, our budgie died. :-( Then the van's heater core went and had to be fixed (big bill the week before Christmas). Then both boys were sick with bad colds and are still not completely over the sniffles yet (in fact, they are getting really sick again since yesterday). Anthony's Botox injections had to be postponed because the anaesthesiologist was concerned about the risk from the general anaesthetic with his congestion. Christmas time is not a good one for us and the boys' health (Bobby was hospitalized with RSV the boys' first Christmas and then Joey the second Christmas...) so we were happy he was being so cautious. We will re-schedule for sometime in January or February. 

I've been battling a low iron count along with some other chronic health issues for a few months now. At one point my anemia was improving but when I was checked in December, my iron levels were down again (Hgb 90) so I had no energy and had to go back on twice a week iron injections. 

Then the week before Christmas I sprained my ankle (certainly took the fun out of Christmas shopping! (or is that Christmas Hopping?) 

And yesterday the washing machine died. <sigh>

And to top it all off, we have had more snow dumped on us in the month of December than we saw combined the past two winters (along with FREEZING cold temperatures). All in all, not a great time...

Christmas itself was nice with the boys, though. They were sooo excited! This is the first year they really understood about Santa. They loved decorating the house, putting up the tree and, of course, the 
presents. :-)  Anthony's gift to us this year is his speech. Up until fall he spoke in 2-3 word phrases and single words. All of a sudden he is speaking in full sentences! One week he was saying " More milk, drink." and the next week he said " I want to go see Santa Claus." and "I want drink more milk, please."  Pretty cool, eh? He's still working on his pronounciation but much of what he is saying is so clear and ALL of it sounds beautiful to my ears!  :-)

New Year's Eve was the second anniversary of losing our Joey. The day was spent missing and remembering him - but of course we are always missing him. We went out in the evening with another couple. We all drank a toast to our little guy at 10:45 pm. :-(  It wasn't easy to go out but it wouldn't have been any easier staying at home. Back in September we passed the day when Joey was gone longer than he was here with us. This second anniversary of his death really brought that home to us. I still can't believe it's been 2 years already. I am more at peace now that I was this time last year but it is still hard some days. I gave Mark a portrait of Joey for Christmas. I had it commissioned from a photo of Joey laughing. It turned out beautifully. 

Well, I've rambled on enough, lol.

{{{hugs}}} to all.

Mommy to triplets : Bobby (NDA), Anthony (moderate spastic quad CP) and our angel Joseph (Joey) Meahan Thomas {April 14/ 97 - December 31/ 98} (severe CP + many other health problems)