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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Sun, 6 Aug 2000 21:40:03 -0700
RomRider <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I realized while making a food donation to the food bank that the
recipients may be celiacs, so I looked a little further into what types
of things they recieve in a hamper or gift basket when they go there.  A
typical list of things would be as follows:  Milk, Canned goods (none of
which would be gluten free unless it was put in unconciously) LOTS of
breaded treats, doghnuts etc, Pastries (stuff from the stores which they
can no longer sell), Candy, chocholate bars etc from holloween etc...
Some of the chocholate may be alright, but it sure limits the food these
people could consume...  Anyhow, my thought would be to donate items
such as rice flour or even gluten free breads etc with a noticable note
on them saying that these are intended for someone who is on a gluten
free diet.  Hopefully amounst the HUGE sorting duties they may have a
specific request for gluten free food...  To recieve a Food bank
donation as a celiac would be like being on the sea on a hot summer day
with no fresh water...

Just a thought, any suggestions from the list on how we could help
recipients of food banks? (I live in Canada, so it may be entirely
different in other countries)