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John Callan <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sun, 7 Jul 2002 20:26:49 -0500
text/plain (2378 bytes) , johncallan.vcf (199 bytes)

I liked it.  I ain't know literary critic like some of them other
fellers, but when I read a story and I think I know what happened to the
folks the story is about and something about where it happened and I
give a damn what might happen next...that's pretty fair writing.  I also
appreaciate writers who address readers with directness...as in "Paint
the barn red."  But hey, I'm no official spec writer either...so what
would I know.

But I do know that if you pay attention to folks who tell you that you
shouldn't do something because you're no good at it...and you
don't...then you ain't gonna ever be good at it.  Seems to me that if
you are good at something, you'd spend your time better by helping
people appreciate how good you are by encouraging them to go through the
exercieses that made you good at it.

But hey, what would I know.



david west wrote:

>  --- Peter epperly <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Oh God... Why do people like you try to write..
> Peter
> I try to write because I've realised that people
> around me don't understand the things I do for a
> living.
> I try to write because I want to share that, explain
> that, and if possible, inspire at least one or two
> other people to do the same thing.
> I try to write because I've got an enormous ego and
> think everybody else wants to hear what I've got to
> say and writing helps stroke the ego.
> I try to write because I know that practice will help
> me improve.
> As for why I've inflicted it on the Pinheads ... well
> I can't think of a more critical audience that will
> let fly with pithy statements and well-chosen words to
> help me in my direction-finding.
> Or maybe I've just been getting ready early for IPTW's
> Job Safety demonstration ... I do a good line in
> climbing roofs and walking on parapets without
> protection! With or without preparation.
> Cheers
> david
> > > Subject: one day down under
> > >
> > > The slight bulge on the surface draws the chisel.
> > > Tap of the mallet, and the sandstone explodes into
> > > fragments, raining down onto the pavement below.
> > > As the sun rises on this winter Saturday, the wind
> > > off the mountains chills the fingers gripping the
> > > edge of the cherrypicker bucket.
> http://www.sold.com.au - SOLD.com.au
> - Find yourself a bargain!
> --
> To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the
> uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to:
> <http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/bullamanka-pinheads.html>