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Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:24:04 -0400
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 (Published 4/18/97) Microwaves have helped some people really improve the
nutritional content of what they eat. Take cooked vegetables - a quick
minute in the microwave will keep vitamins intact, instead of boiling them
all away. And for someone who lives alone, microwave ovens can make cooking
an individual nutritious meal very easy.
But there may be real dangers associated with microwaving food. We don't
know enough about how microwaves affect our bodies to feel entirely safe
with them. This longer-wave form of radiation can cook human tissues exposed
to it directly, and even low doses may disrupt the delicate operations of
biological control systems in our bodies. Weak electrical currents and
electromagnetic fields are known to affect cellular growth and development
and to aid in the healing of tissue. Microwaves could have a negative effect
on them.

Journalist Tom Valentine, after chasing this story, found it interesting
that 'scientists' have so many 'beliefs' to express rather than prove fact.
Yet facts eventually snuff out credential-based conjecture.
Researcher Quan, in a phone interview, said that he believed the results of
research so far warranted further detailed study of the effects of microwave
cooking on nutrients. The summary sentence in an abstract of the research
paper is very clear:
"Microwaving appears to be contra-indicated at high temperatures, and
questions regarding its safety exist even at low temperatures."
The final statement of the study conclusion reads:
"This preliminary study suggests that microwaving human milk could be
detrimental. Further studies are needed to determine whether and how
microwaving could safely be done." Unfortunately, further studies are not
scheduled at this time.
If there are so many indications that the effects of microwaves on foods can
degrade the foods far above the known breakdowns of standard cooking, is it
not reasonable to conduct exhaustive studies on living, breathing human
beings to determine if it's possible that eating microwaved foods
continuously, as many people do, can be significantly detrimental to
individual health?
If you wanted to introduce a herbal supplement into the American mainstream
and make any health claims for it, you would be subjected to exhaustive
documentation and costly research. Yet the microwave-oven industry had only
to prove that the dangerous microwaves could, indeed, be contained within
the oven and not escape into the surrounding area where the radiation could
do damage to people. The industry must admit that some microwaves escape
even in the best-made ovens. So far, not one thought has been given by the
industry to the possibility that the nutrients could be so altered as to be
deleterious to health.
Well, this makes sense in a land that encourages farmers to poison crops and
soils with massive amounts of synthesised chemicals, and encourages food
processors to use additives that enhance shelf-life of foods regardless of
the potential for degrading the health of the consumer.
How many hundreds of pounds of microwaved food per capita is consumed in
America each year?
Are we going to continue to take it from established authority, without
question, on the premise that they know best?

Microwave research conclusions
          The following were the most significant German and Russian
research operations facilities concerning the biological effects of

          The initial research conducted by the Germans during the
Barbarossa military campaign, at the Humbolt-Universitat zu Berlin
(1942-1943); and,

          From 1957 and up to the present [until the end of the cold war],
the Russian research operations were conducted at: the Institute of Radio
Technology at Kinsk, Byelorussian Autonomous Region; and, at the Institute
of Radio Technology at Rajasthan in the Rossiskaja Autonomous Region, both
in the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics.

          In most cases, the foods used for research analysis were exposed
to microwave propagation at an energy potential of 100 kilowatts/cm3/second,
to the point considered acceptable for sanitary, normal ingestion. The
effects noted by both German and Russian researchers is presented in three

Category I, Cancer-Causing Effects
Category II, Nutritive Destruction of Foods
Category III, Biological Effects of Exposure

[The first two points of Category I are not readable from our report copy.
The remainder of the report is intact.]

          3. Creation of a "binding effect" to radioactivity in the
atmosphere, thus causing a marked increase in the amount of alpha and beta
particle saturation in foods;

          4. Creation of cancer causing agents within protein hydrolysate
compounds* in milk and cereal grains [*these are natural proteins that are
split into unnatural fragments by the addition of water];

          5. Alteration of elemental food-substances, causing disorders in
the digestive system by unstable catabolism* of foods subjected to
microwaves [*the metabolic breakdown process];

          6. Due to chemical alterations within food substances,
malfunctions were observed within the lymphatic systems [absorbent vessels],
causing a degeneration of the immune potentials of the body to protect
against certain forms of neoplastics [abnormal growths of tissue];

          7. Ingestion of microwaved foods caused a higher percentage of
cancerous cells within the blood serum [cytomas - cell tumors such as

          8. Microwave emissions caused alteration in the catabolic
[metabolic breakdown] behavior of glucoside [hydrolyzed dextrose] and
galactoside [oxidized alcohol] elements within frozen fruits when thawed in
this manner;

          9. Microwave emission caused alteration of the catabolic
[metabolic breakdown] behavior of plant alkaloids [organic nitrogen based
elements] when raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables were exposed for even
extremely short durations;

          10. Cancer causing free radicals [highly reactive incomplete
molecules] were formed within certain trace mineral molecular formations in
plant substances, and in particular, raw root-vegetables; and,

          11. In a statistically high percentage of persons, microwaved
foods caused stomach and intestinal cancerous growths, as well as a general
degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues, with a gradual breakdown of the
function of the digestive and excretive systems.



          Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in the nutritive
value of all foods researched. The following are the most important

          1. A decrease in the bioavailability [capability of the body to
utilize the nutriment] of B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E,
essential minerals and lipotropics in all foods;

          2. A loss of 60-90% of the vital energy field content of all
tested foods;

          3. A reduction in the metabolic behavior and integration process
capability of alkaloids [organic nitrogen based elements], glucosides and
galactosides, and nitrilosides;

          4. A destruction of the nutritive value of nucleoproteins in

          5. A marked acceleration of structural disintegration in all



          Exposure to microwave emissions also had an unpredictably negative
effect upon the general biological welfare of humans. This was not
discovered until the Russians experimented with highly sophisticated
equipment and discovered that a human did not even need to ingest the
material substance of the microwaved food substances: that even exposure to
the energy-field itself was sufficient to cause such adverse side effects
that the use of any such microwave apparatus was forbidden in 1976 by Soviet
state law.

          The following are the enumerated effects:

          1. A breakdown of the human "life-energy field" in those who were
exposed to microwave ovens while in operation, with side-effects to the
human energy field of increasingly longer duration;

          2. A degeneration of the cellular voltage parallels during the
process of using the apparatus, especially in the blood and lymphatic areas;

          3. A degeneration and destabilization of the external energy
activated potentials of food utilization within the processes of human

          4. A degeneration and destabilization of internal cellular
membrane potentials while transferring catabolic [metabolic breakdown]
processes into the blood serum from the digestive process;

          5. Degeneration and circuit breakdowns of electrical nerve
impulses within the junction potentials of the cerebrum [the front portion
of the brain where thought and higher functions reside];

          6. A degeneration and breakdown of nerve electrical circuits and
loss of energy field symmetry in the neuroplexuses [nerve centers] both in
the front and the rear of the central and autonomic nervous systems;

          7. Loss of balance and circuiting of the bioelectric strengths
within the ascending reticular activating system [the system which controls
the function of consciousness];

          8. A long term cumulative loss of vital energies within humans,
animals and plants that were located within a 500-meter radius of the
operational equipment;

          9. Long lasting residual effects of magnetic "deposits" were
located throughout the nervous system and lymphatic system;

          10. A destabilization and interruption in the production of
hormones and maintenance of hormonal balance in males and females;

          11. Markedly higher levels of brainwave disturbance in the alpha,
theta, and delta wave signal patterns of persons exposed to microwave
emission fields, and;

          12. Because of this brainwave disturbance, negative psychological
effects were noted, including loss of memory, loss of ability to
concentrate, suppressed emotional threshold, deceleration of intellective
processes, and interruptive sleep episodes in a statistically higher
percentage of individuals subjected to continual range emissive field
effects of microwave apparatus, either in cooking apparatus or in
transmission stations.

Forensic Research Conclusions

          From the twenty-eight above enumerated indications, the use of
microwave apparatus is definitely not advisable; and, with the decision of
the Soviet government in 1976, present scientific opinion in many countries
concerning the use of such apparatus is clearly in evidence.

          Due to the problem of random magnetic residulation and binding
within the biological systems of the body (Category III:9), which can
ultimately effect the neurological systems, primarily the brain and
neuroplexuses (nerve centers), long term depolarization of tissue
neuroelectric circuits can result. Because these effects can cause virtually
irreversible damage to the neuroelectrical integrity of the various
components of the nervous system (I. R. Luria, Novosibirsk 1975a), ingestion
of microwaved foods is clearly contraindicated in all respects. Their
magnetic residual effect can render the pyschoneural receptor components of
the brain more subject to influence psychologically by artificially induced
microwave radio frequency fields from transmission stations and TV

          The theoretical possibility of psycho telemetric influence (the
capability of affecting human behavior by transmitted radio signals at
controlled frequencies) has been suggested by Soviet neuropsychological
investigations at Uralyera and Novosibirsk (Luria and Perov, 1974a, 1975c,
1976a), which can cause involuntary subliminal psychological energy field
compliance to operative microwave apparatus.

Prepared By: William P. Kopp
A. R. E. C. Research Operations