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Ken Follett <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 19:42:52 -0500
text/plain (22 lines)
In doing research on Floyd Bennett Airfield in Brooklyn I have come up
with the following interesting trivia:

"Another program, suggested by Lindbergh and sponsored by the
Guggenheims, was the marking of rooftops throughout the nation to assist
in navigation. Eight thousand postmasters were contacted in October
1928. They were asked to distribute circulars to request that all towns
of between 1,000 and 50,000 population paint the town name in letters 10
to 20 feet high on a prominent rooftop. The circulars also requested
that a large arrow pointing north and a smaller arrow pointing to the
nearest airfield be added. When the campaign closed in December 1929,
more than 8,000 American towns had so identified themselves. Painting
the name of the town on water towers also helped. The towns that
responded to the call received a certificate signed by Lindbergh. The
entire roof-marking project cost the fund $15,803.35. Many a pilot
flying under visual flight rules has oriented himself in the years since
through this simple but worthwhile idea."

Is anyone aware of efforts on the part of any individual or organization
to catalog and/or preserve these landmarks? This is a serious inquiry
and not the usual Gab & Eti squirX-Mozilla-Status: 0009[<en