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Thu, 15 Jun 2000 14:31:26 -0400
Carol Lydick <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmates,

This idea just struck me as I read Angie Lussier post.  Who would stand
to profit the most by having doctors recognize celiac disease?  Yes, of
course the patients and their families, but then who? Surely not the big
drug companies.   Angie wrote:

Celiac Disease is a condition that increases the risk of intestinal
cancer 300%, not to mention the debilitating symptoms that are
erroneously attributed to irritable bowel & other "catch all" syndromes.

After being bounced around from Doctor to Doctor, having unecessary
invasive tests & surgeries, I was surprised & angered to find out that
by simply removing these foods from my diet, I was on my way to better
health, and not only that, but my cancer risk will drop back down to
that of the general population!

Almost all of us have been through this dance.  When all the unnecessary
tests are inconclusive, perscriptions filled and hospital stays are done
and the patient is still sick, who suffers the most from the costs of
these unnecessary tests and procedures?

How about HMOs and medical plans?  IF they could find a way to limit the
unnecessary medications, hospital stays, tests etc. they would be very
happy.  Perhaps through them we could get tests for possible CD and in
the end save them bundles. Why that is big business!  Maybe they should
be our target.  It is the money that runs the machine, and they are the
ones that would stand to profit the most.  Carol in NJ