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Sally R. Hackett <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 20:12:38 EST
text/plain (137 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


Here is the summary as well as some answers to followup questions I sent.  I
ddi have the IV - I felt GREAT for one night and quickly plummetted back to
hell.   See my next post titled 'heavy metal detox'  for more info.  Thanks
to all that responded - hope this helps others.

Don't know much about the IV vitamin C, except that the doc I go to DOES use
it (tho not on me). He's been treating candida and other traditionally
"unrecognized" diseases since the mid 80's, and is widely mentioned in Dr.
Crook's Candida books, so I do trust his treatment plans.

  I *DO* wonder if you might be OK with BUFFERED vitamin C.  I know I can't
take more than 1000 mg orally either (I get diarrhea bigtime), unless it is
BUFFERED vitamin C.  (also known as Ester-C).  I can take lots more of that
with no problem.\


I had adrenal stress or insufficiency.  It is better now, but I still have
exercise intolerance.  This is not from lack of trying as so many people have
tried to convince me.  I have a problem when I do an exercise one day, and
pay for it in exhaustion and skin breakouts/or canker sore in my mouth to
prove there is some sort of autoimmune problem that exercise promotes.  I
feel like a person who is told that she has plenty of money in the bank, goes
on a shopping spree, has fun and then finds out the next day that her bank
account is overdrawn.  I do great when I am doing the exercise and even that
night and early the next day, then bang! chronic fatigue, shaking weak
miserable for several days.  I am not talking about muscle soreness or
regular fatigue.  This is way different.  It does not require anything more
than 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise to have days of weakness.  My
chiropractor calls it adrenal insufficiency (Dr. Posenecker) and I know he is
right.  I have asked every doctor I know about it, because it happened in one
day, going from superwoman who could maintain high levels of physical labor
(The day that it happened was when I was digging 13   4 foot holes to put in
a stockade fence by hand.  and had that week moved 2 truckloads of 18 yards
of sand and topsoil by myself and thought nothing of it,) to being a almost
invalid.  I am going in for surgery on my back and I pray that the stress of
major surgery doesn't throw me back into complete adrenal failure again.  Dr.
know so little about it and one almost has to go to an alternative doctor to
get diagnosed.  I did have cortisol problems in tests.

I hope that you are feeling all right.  Let me know if I can help in anyway.


(here is a followup to return questions I had sent to one replier) After
you get this IV - what are the side effects?  NO =SIDE-effects..  Do you
find yourslef needing more and more of this? NO JUST BETTER HEALTH DO
you find yourslef craving the next IV? I LIVE ON TPN How long have you
been doing it? SIX YRS  Have you seen improvement in your health?  DEFINETLY


What kind of hypoglycemia do you have? Low cortisol is associated with
fasting hypoglycemia but high adrenaline is associated with reactive
hypoglycemia.  How did your doctor come to this conclusion?

Large doses of vitamin C are beneficial to the adrenals but one study found
that we can't absorb more than 500 mg/day.  All the rest is excreted in the

Try a buffered vitamin C (buffered with calcium) to reduce the acidity and
stomach irritation.  Also choose a brand with bioflavaniods.

Intravenous vitamin C may be one way of delivering vitamin C to the
adrenals.  Intravenous vitamin C is also administered for chelation
therapy, so even if your adrenals don't respond, you may be fending off
arteriosclerosis and removing heavy metals from your body!

The adrenals also respond to vitamin B complex, raw glandular adrenal, and
the herb astragalus.


I was tested for cortisol and got an elevated result (twice the normal
maximum) and cortisol is supposed to be the stress hormone.

I took 7-keto for a while to control elevated cortisol (it is an hormone
precursor to DHEA)

I now use natural progeterone cream (serenity for women) sold over the

I think that CD has many faces and gives many different flaws.   Maybe the
malapsorption problem related to the leaky gut stresses the body to the
point of adrenal exhaustion.


Yes, I have been diagnosed with adrenal stress and I've had IV vitamin C.

The doctor is giving me Oxygenics antioxidant formula by Metagenics and
Cortico-B5 B6 vegetarian dietary supplement by Metagenics in addition to my
B100 vitamin.  The vitamin C IV did, in fact, make me feel better.  I'm now
on vitamin C tablets.

Another problem I have is a low throyd.  I'm having another blood test today.


I was diagnosed with CD two years ago and with adrenal stress about six
months later. My doctor initially prescribed DHEA 5mg  2X/day. I now take
just 5mg every morning. It made all the difference in the world. I now have
more energy than I have had in twenty years

(Followup response from same person after i sent other questions}
I can't remember exactly how long it took me to start feeling better on the
DHEA. I think it was a month or two. I know that within six months I really
felt normal again (for the first time in many years) and had lots of energy

I too have heard scare stories about the side affects of DHEA, but they all
involve large doses. My doctor, and all the research I did on my own,
assured me that this small dosage couldn't harm me. At this small dosage
(5mg 2X/day) the DHEA just gives the adrenal glands a boost. As I
understand it, DHEA in large doses actually takes over for the adrenal
glands, causing them to shut down, which can be life threatening, or it can
cause the glands to produce too much of a particular hormone, resulting in
other side affects.  A small dose just stimulates the adrenals to produce
more of the natural hormones into the body. I'm not an expert on this, but
I have been told that large doses of DHEA are more dangerous for women than
for men. I have a very good friend, who is also celiac, who was put on this
same dosage of DHEA a couple of years ago by her doctor too (different doc
than mine), and she has had the same results. My main symptom of adrenal
stress was extreme fatigue. That has been virtually eliminated by this simple

Sally Hackett,  Raleigh NC