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Snowlight <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 05:38:33 -0800
text/plain (47 lines)
----- Original Message ----From: "Kendra and Karen"
| Shame on the food pyramid and the fat-free diets that are causing
| obesity in epidemic proportions in the US.  Shame on anyone who thinks
| fat or obese people are comfortable trying to breath as they walk any
| distance, get in and out of vehicles, or trying to manage through their
| day without pain and exhaustion.  We have seen a few fat people who seem
| to be comfortable although they have other underlying health problems
| that must be painful.  We will reiterate that fat is painful to look
| at.
As an obese person I can say that yes, it can be moderately difficult to
maneuver my body as easily as your thin bodies.  But I am not incapacitated
by my weight.  You are expressing quite a simplistic version of obesity as
seen by a person who has never experienced obesity first hand.  You may have
"seen" fat people, but you have not lived in a fat body.  Your words are
more painful than my fat body.

Yes, the food pyramid got it all wrong.  It definitely contributes to
obesity.  But it is not the cause.  Do you really think all obese persons
follow the food pyramid exactly as shown?  There are more factors
contributing to obesity than diet alone.  As Becky stated, there are body
perceptions influenced by the media, there are emotional issues, there are
sedentary lifestyles.  Combining these with a grain-based diet gives the
average person no chance at health and thinness.  I have only recently
learned that there is an alternative.

Fat people cannot correct obesity by diet alone.  That's a common fallacy.
It takes changing many area's of one's lifestyle and mindset.  Diet alone
many have helped you attain better health, but I will need to overhaul my
entire thought process of what health really means to my body.  NeanderThin
is the first step for me.  I feel so good on NeanderThin that I would stay
on this type of diet whether I lost weight or not.  HOWEVER, it is very glib
to say that NeanderThin alone will cure me of obesity without any effort on
my part.  I will have to deal with those times when I want to eat ice cream
when I am upset or feel insecure when I don't lose weight for weeks on end.
NeanderThin (I believe) will help me regain my health, but I don't expect it
to cure me of 20 years of damage I may have caused my body by poor eating.
All I hope for is a better "second" half of my life.

I resent having been called "painful" to look at and I wonder how this list
has the word "support" in it?  I am still in the learning stage and your
remark only ruffled me a little.  I sure hope it hasn't made other new
people who have found this list leave thinking there is no support for a
paleo way of eating.
