>Fortunately (for neolithic cultures) or by accident cereals and legumes help
>out each other in exactely the one low amino acid, so the biological value
>of a composition of legumes and cereals is even higher as the one of meat
>(about 90 to 100).
>While egg is a good deal efficienter and the highest biological value known
>(from full spectrum tests) is a combination if potatoe protein with a little
>egg protein.
Guten Tag Amadeus - wasn't this complementary protein theory
retracted by Francis Moore Lappe, the writer of Diet For a Small
Planet? Didn't he alter his view so that it wasn't necessary to
combine the different groups of foodstuff to attain adequate protein
On a related note, former natural hygienists like me followed the
amino acid pool theory to rationalize the procurement of necessary
proteins through an all plant-based diet. By experience, I wasn't
overly successful with this over the long term.