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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 03:33:50 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (83 lines)
>While this sounds romantic, it is not very rational.
>If you apply this same reasoning, we should be:
>- Growing, felling, and stripping our own trees to build our own houses.
>- Digging our own well for water (severely limits possible housing
locations -
>my well is 150 feet deep!)

 way to go ! That sound great ! especialy if we do that collectively with
persons directly concerned by your own wellfare ( apart from getting money

i know few tribes like that who still apreciate the direct contact with
their needs ( mennonites, doukhabor , or more recently created
If in North america people were organised in  self sustaining ( for the most
part ) villages rather than in sparse and concentrational habitat (with
money  , cars ,  motorised transportation ,  phone and now computer in
between ) , you could dig a communal well in a communal forest that produced
a communal supply of  wood, water, nuts and  wild animals..... would it not
be great ?

our individualist  rational world have certainly a better plan. Consumers
instead of mature self reliant human beings?


>Thus, what would happen would be that eventually someone would rediscover
>agriculture, civilization would occur, and eventually there would be meat
>packers and slaughterhouses all over again.   And then there would be
>and this mailing list would again appear....

right on ! ,that is what happen when we don't  learn from the core root
lessons and are not ready to question the whole thing. ( clipping one tip of
one branch doesn't do much to reshape a deformed tree )
>For civilization to occur, you must have specialization, ie computer makers
>supply your computer, book publishers supply your books, and food makers
>your food.

May be we can start to question our civilisation in the first place .
Specialisation is fine as long you don't become crippled in satisfying your
basic needs .

civilisation started with domestication of animals . Very questionnable prac
tice in my eyes now.

Giving our  power away  to specialist brought us in this unhealthy
situation,  where the food quality goes more and more  to the toilet with
the  increasing efficienty of specialists

>Within that framework, the specific matter of animal cruelty in the meat
>industry can be addressed (and it is) without having to disassemble

Good luck !
first ,the matter of animal cruauty is not specific at all , it is one
symptom   of a general break down in our interdependant  relationships with
ourselves and other beings

second civilizations are disassembling themselves with their increasing
efficienty at waisting their ressources ( just question of time )

third  the efficiency of  the specialists in meat producing  and packing  is
measured in their ability to sale as much oedems ridden  meats , the
cheapest possible to the greatest numbers of consumer , the quickest
possible . Result : animal cruelty ( no way out )
(as an ex  free range horse  raiser , i consider overcrowding animals on
depleted soils,  inhuman but i am a romantic.)

raising natural meats is so inefficient in that  system  . Animals grow
slowly ,  lean , in small numbers , and are difficult to CONTROL.

The point is that peoples lost so much control in  the satisfaction of their
basic  needs , they need to control other beings 's needs.
